Nullsec Alliance Cowardice Ladder

You completely miss the point. The in-game kill thingy only shows kills where one got the ‘final shot’. An absurd and arbitrary metric. There’s no way I would ever know, from the in-game ‘kills’, that I’d been involved in 422 kills. Of course most of Eve don’t know or care…but within the context of Eve itself I don’t even know myself 95% of what I have been involved in…lol.

Oh? We’re not discussing zKillboard anymore?

Where is it that you got the idea I was talking about the in-game kill list?

The pathetic uselessness of the in-game system is precisely why I use killboard. What’s the frikin point of a ‘Combat Log’ that misses out 95% of the combat I’ve been involved in ? Regardless of whether anyone else ‘knows’ what I’ve been involved in…using the in-game system I don’t even know myself !

It’s not about ‘immediate’ recognition, no. I dont expect every kill or loss to be broadcast across Eve in flashing messages. As you rightly say…most people don’t care. It is far more about having a history that can be seen. I have 15 characters…the majority of whom nobody knows they are me. So to me it is all far more about building up a history where people look and will think ’ hmm…that person is to be reckoned with’ rather than ’ sheesh, that person has 2000 losses and no kills and maybe is playing the wrong game’. Perhaps ‘winning’ is the wrong expression…and ‘being better than’ is the right one.

So for you zKillboard is merely a record of your wins and losses? Or throwing it into the face of a forum member when he complains about the game?

I don’t like the idea of my kill/losses history being available in a third-party website. It can clearly be used against me which is a major breach in security and intel… but of course, it is useful the other way around so I guess I cannot complain.

I don’t see things the same way and that’s ok.

But you know, I just realized that we’ve completely highjacked this thread. It’s supposed to be about the cowardice of Nullsec alliances and we derailed it towards zKillboard and who’s better than…
Probably my fault. I’m goofy that way.
@Destiny_Corrupted I apologize for derailing your thread.
@ISD_Traindriver I’m sorry. Please don’t sic the dogs on me :face_with_peeking_eye:

It doesn’t though.

Just have your blob commander send you the killmail.

That is, if your blob commander is collecting it from the person that lands the final hit like a good blob commander should.

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But you aren’t, because Destiny herself had to refer to killboard to make her point. Indeed, without killboard how would anyone even know how Destiny was faring in relation to all those ‘nullsec cowards’ ? What would one conceivably have to go by to know the actual facts ? So in that sense, killboard is totally relevant.

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You are right!

I still have to catch some zzzz’s though.
Good chatting, Altara :slightly_smiling_face:

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If anyone wanted to know your corp ship doctrines they could simply join your corp and get a list…as I have myself done when spying on other corps. What’s more, given Destiny’s context, she scans ships several systems before they come into Amarr so knows your fitting anyway. Gankers like MacGybo can even scan and know exactly what cargo you have and how much it all costs. So…killboard is pretty useless as an ‘immediate’ source of who is flying what.

Likewise, everyone who wants to know can easily know that my main corp Absolute Order is based in Oipo. Its no secret.

And as you say, KB can be used round the other way…and when I got blapped in lowsec by a laser Praxis my first thought was ’ I must have that fitting’, and sure enough the attacker had lost that exact fitting a little earlier, and that was my introduction to Mega Pulse Laser fitting. So yes, it does work both ways.

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Clearly suffering from schitzophrenia.

Therapy with trained nutjob therapist Zaera Keena - 1 billion

Or look up Zkillboard!

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Zkill has many uses as you point out, and I to love Mega pulses :smiling_face:

Btw I see some of AO are in caldari militia , are you?

I don’t know…faction warfare is not my thing.

What is your thing?

Maybe ask Governor Lee that

I thought it was posting on the forums with her main, while playing the game with an army of alts?

I’ll give you a hint, it involves a fast align gnosis.

Hey…don’t knock the fast align Gnosis. It now has almost as much DPS as a Catalyst, up to 20km, and 205 DPS on top of that from Drones. 900 DPS in all. Nifty and cheap, and great for lowsec ratting too.

I am guessing that you mine with it aswell.

Yes, we know.

This is the nth+1 time you’ve told us.