So you think a Catalyst should be able to oneshot a freighter?
I agree!
So you think a Catalyst should be able to oneshot a freighter?
I agree!
This is a public notice that James Fuchs has completed impudence training with the Safety alliance. Congratulations! He is now qualified for a recommendation letter and insider trading, tips, and tricks of the Highsec guildmasters.
If you are seeking impudence training or social behavioural adjustment, make sure to contact us today, and register for your FREE seminar.
Yes I did miss some good times
But I always enjoyed killing their loot freighters , after making them commit more resources to the actual gank then killing there looter too was a good result .
Free as in just the small admin fee of 1 billion but other than that essentially free.
That’s a registration fee, the admin fee is billed separately.
Ever since I was a little lad, I often found myself in the trouble with police. I had a problem with authority because I had too much of it, and my mother often used to say: “James, you have to obey the rules and listen to the police, or you are going to end up as a miner!” to which I would often yell back to her: “At least mining is a stable and reliable source of income!!!”.
After having finished impudence training, I have emerged as a different man. I am now a proud owner of a house, drive an incredible car and I am married to my beautiful wife, as well as being an upstanding citizen and a pillar for my community. I abstain from drinking and I engage in various sports, like golf and tennis, for which me and my wife take coaching regularly.
Although I suspect my wife is cheating on me with our tennis coach Mark, I rest easy because I am able to afford all the necessary private detectives to put her on permanent observation, thanks to the applied principles and methods I have learned through SAFETY impudence training.
Thank you Aiko! You really helped to turn around my life for the better!
With grateful regards
-Jame Fuchs
Here the problem starts.
Now you get EVE!
Of course there is a point in playing beyond striving for a stellar zKillboard.
When I started playing EVE I didn’t even know about zKillboard ( and you also didn’t ) even though I’m excited about PvP and things going kaboom.
But I knew that it was awesome to pilot ships in space. I was all giddy the first time I undocked my Hecate. I tripped about going through planets in warp. I love learning about all the modules, what they can do for my ship, what they can’t… Reading about the lore, about the different races, their history and feuds.
The fact that players can manufacture drugs sure did raise my eyebrows. Knowing that 99% of the stuff I see in space is manufactured by players.
It’s all astonishing and beyond amazing.
To reduce EVE Online to zKillboard is to sell it short.
I’m not making light of your accomplishments. You are very proud of what you’ve done so far and I applaud you. It’s really great that you have several alts with good kills but to say that zKillboard is the point of playing EVE is very short-sighted.
You should play Final Fatasy 14, not allowed to monitor DPS to show how awesome you are, or dump somebody because THEY SUCK. You can though run around looking like a bunny.
That is somewhat self-contradictory. Player vs Player implies some sort of ‘win’. A victory of some sort. If I simply wanted to watch ships go kaboom I could go attack Concord.
The modules on a combat ship serve one purpose…winning any combat.
What’s the point of having wins if nobody knows about it ? Its a multiplayer game. If I wanted to have wins that I was the only person who knew about…there’s no end of single player space games. I’m playing Eve to beat people…not NPCs.
I’m not ‘reducing’ anything. It’s the people who think wins and losses in a multiplayer PvP game are somehow irrelevant who are doing the reducing.
Let me guess…there’s a ‘Participation’ medal at the end no matter how much one sucks.
Yes. I would hope that there be a winner and a loser. What I mean by what you quoted is that before, and when you first started playing, you didn’t know about zKillboard, did you?
But my comments on your post is about zKillboard, not the fact that there is a winner and a loser.
The point is the win. Who cares if anybody knows? I know you do, I read your posts and they are often accompanied by some feat of yours that you declare happened.
But not everyone is like you. Some people are content with the win without shouting it on rhe rooftops. And some others are content with the fun they have.
It is. But that doesn’t mean the whole of New Eden needs to know you were victorious. I bet most players don’t care. They’re rather interested in their own wins, or they use the info that you’re so proud on broadcasting as intel against you.
Not everything has to be said, most things in EVE are better left unsaid, especially what ship you fly, where ect…
It seems to me that you play EVE in search of accolades and recognition. That may bite you in the butt later on.
The less your enemies know about you the better.
I don’t think anyone thinks that a PvP win is irrelevant. I sure don’t.
You do realize that Zkill is a 3rd party application and not one that is “official” with CCP.
Yes, EvE is pvp. But the fact that an official leader board is lacking in the game itself is a very telling sign that EvE is more than just trying to get #1 on the kills.
And what about those that pad their Zkill in order to make it look better? Are they “winning?”
Oh, and buy the way, MTU’s count towards your kill to loss ratio on zkill. When I was MTU hunting I had a kill to win of 980/1. So I guess I won?
@Ax_l_Thorne Correct me if I’m wrong but zKillboard is at best an intel tool, not a bragging tool.
Yes. I use it for gathering intel when I was doing the low sec piracy thing. You can use it to get an idea of what their general fits are and their styles. It’s not 100% accurate as people do change doctrine. But it gives you a good idea.
It’s also good at searching for the kind of kills in a system and who typically haunts it. The filter feature is nice.
I also use it more as a trophy board. Showcasing my more unique and interesting kills. Like taking out that navy slicer with my humble venture. Or when a corpmate and I in a rifter and a merlin took out a stray raven that thought it a good idea to run some missions in low.
A lot of the kills bring back memories and good times. Kinda like a scrap book. That’s far more valuable than obtaining “first place” for a day.
Holy James 315 teached us that the only thing that matters is to keep HighSec clean and safe.
I’ve been exploring the site lately but I’m still getting used to it. I think it isn’t very user friendly but I need more practice extracting the kind of info I want from it in a reasonable amount of time.
Right now I’m getting fit info and the loss/win ratio ( in conjunction with the in-game info card ) to figure out what kind of target a character could be ( mission runner, miner, bait alt… )
When I can get the intel I want on a character within 30 seconds then I will feel more confident.
I will walk before I run though. EVE is complicated enough for me to allow myself room to take my time and learn, not jump headlong into a fight I’m not even sure it be wise to engage in.
Correct. It’s not very user friendly.
At a glance, those with a k/l ratio of 0.5 will be the best pilots, they will give you a good fight.
Those with a k/l greater than 0.8 pad their board/gate campers/blobbers/ or sit at trade hubs popping off trading ships from the opposing FW.
Those with less that 0.2 are FW farmers. They will flee the second you show up on d-scan or land on grid. They often times fly empty tristans with fast align mods in low slots.
Also, something I do. Win or loose, including MTU’s is I set the other pilot to orange and post the kill mail in their notes.
It’s fun to fly back into a system and see an orange, open their notes and see the kill and be all like… “oh that’s right!”
It also helps with keeping track of people you might be “bullying” unintentionally which you do have to be careful of because…. Reasons…
Great info, Outstanding. That’s going to help me a bunch. You’re awesome.
Thank you very much.
Any time!