o/ Armslave! My name is Davak Kateelo and I am a director in Critical Horizon, a C4<C3/C4 wormhole corporation. Your ad was a bit vague about where you were looking to end up; but if you like small gang PVP then IMO wormholes are the best place for you in the game.
We are a recently established group currently consisting of 15-20 real people, based in USTZ (with good coverage from Coast to Coast) as well as a couple people who do shift work, a gentleman who is stationed in South Korea for the time being, and the odd aussie or two! We also have several guys in your same boat; over 100 mill SP and Eve vets, but are coming back after a long time away. Having multiple people in that position is actually pretty nice, because they can all work with one another to help fill in the gaps and get up to speed that much faster.
We tend to do a good mix of small gang flying (no fc per se, just manual pilot your ship and call when you have tackle, etc) and traditional wormhole fleets (cloaky hunting, heavy armor brawls, etc with FC calling the shots/a logi wing, etc…). However as opposed to null, even in a more traditional fleet every fleet member counts way more due to size/mass limitations, and general piloting competence tends to be higher.
Culturally we are not risk averse at all ; but we look to be competitive mainly by avoiding silly mistakes and learning after every engagement. We are not looking for people who are ‘edgelords’ in coms, but there is a good amount of meme-ing and friendly ■■■■ talking happening on a daily basis. IRL comes first (as with any good corp) as we are mostly all in our early 30’s with families, and consequently we tend to look for pilots that are at that maturity level.
If this sounds interesting to you, check out our recruitment ad here and/or hit us up on discord here! When you join the server just ping “@recruiter” and someone will be with you shortly.
I look forward to speaking with you, good luck with your corporation search!
Davak Kateelo