Old players looking for new home

127mil SP

Looking for a new home in guristas Space.

Any question pls contact me

Hi I had read your anouncement and thought you could maybe be a good Part of our Corp. We are a Small, but growing Group of players, who work at the moment in Highsec, but when we enough players we will move to our alliance in Nullsec. Maybe you are interrested or have some Questions. Feel free to contact me, if you think about my offer. We would be glad to welcome you.


Hay Malis_Caretia buddy we a small pvp corp eu/usa
We are looking for some good old time toon with some good know how in the game I’ll get you in or pub and have a chat with you soon as am back online FAQ also there is a link to or discord channel

Hey buddy

Interested in a small WH group? PvP small gang stuff mostly but occasional bigger stuff.

If you are interested hit me up on here or in-game.


FYI we killed something with you the other day:slight_smile: )

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