[Ongoing] BPO and BPC Sales - Rorqual BPO added

Price lowered:
Apostle 7/10 1.3b

Apostle 8/14 1.6b
Phoenix 8/14 2.8b

Lots of things sold, lots of things purchased, OP is now mostly up to date except for the T2 BPCs.

Sold several prints, prices reduced on:
Fenrir 9/16 reduced to 3b, up on public contracts.
Bowhead 8/16 reduced to 2.6b

New Items up:
Revelation 9/16, 4b
Rorqual, 9/10, 6b
Capital Propulsion Engine, 10/16, 1.8b

Bowhead 8/16 sold.

Not a BPO but I now have an Aeon hull in Maila for sale as well. 13.5b.

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