Ooops, I did it again... Looking for newsib friendly corp

Hi Shva Shakti,

Nice to meet you, I am the CEO of Babel Fish Inc. Reloaded I would like to invite you to check us out. We do however use discord for some of our comms. Mostly Text, Mumble is used for Voice Operations for our corp/alliance/coalition. So it is a bit mix of both.

That said you sound like the kind of person that would fit right into both our corp and our alliance.

We have mix of things we do and I am sure you could fit right in. Between our corp and the alliance we have a good range of young to old, and as you mention a small percentage of females.

We all like to have a good time, Help each other out and fight when needed or just when we feel like like it!

Here is a link to the Ad I put up. Which also has a link to our website as well.

Hope to talk with you if you have interest.


Blue Sparrow Evans
CEO / Chairman of the Board

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