Petition to restrict GILA's from entering Abyss or nerf them

It is scripted content, there will always be one best ship/fit for scripted content.

This is why scripted content is so lame.

It takes no skill, all you have to do is watch the video and fit like everyone else.

I really care about why the OP is pissed by other people using a type of ship…he is NOT involved in their pve content…

So what is this all about?

A “Just fly the ship I allow you”?

Even if he thinks they “steal” his loot and have it “too easy” that’s no propper argument because it is not “his” loot…

I mean what hinders him to use a gila as well?

All your examples of Polarized weapons are simply on “kitey” ships that need to run away and not get shot to begin with. Again, it destroys the resists of any actual pvp fit, and your solution, dishonorable at best, is to run and run and run and avoid being shot completely because being shot is pretty much death. Sure that pvp has its place, usually for the stupid who are dumb enough to chase such ships, but not realisticly used on a common practice kind of level.

Again it is pretty obvious that 2/3s of all event runners are in a Gila, I don’t have to complain to much, I am certain CCP sees this also. But people calling things “balanced” when 2/3s of people all goto the same ships is amusing. Also people defending bad mechanics in fear of having to adapt is more amusing.

You know what lets just delete all ships and give all the bonuses to just one ship that way we can just take all that hard “thinking” out of EvE.

So you basicly want to deny all other pilots to use the ship they want?

Because this is what this leads to…

The moment a ship is better it HAS to be nerfed to protect diversity?

This is dogmatic ■■■■■■■■…

Diversity is no goal…this is a game…

You should be able to have fun and the goal is not to run after every nerf just because the other day someone like you did not like that in this case the gila is able to make 0,000000001% more damage or has the way cooler look…

A solution for you. Maybe not…

Ccp was lazy and implemented a broken anti eve instance. Because of this we must punish the Gila

And i think we should nerf marauders they do level 4 missions too easily



The original poster is right, but the average player insist easy mode less IQ requiring gameplay is fine to have.

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Got a Vagabond fit to share?

[Vagabond, Ildara’s Vagabond]

Assault Damage Control II
Tracking Enhancer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer

Gist X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II

220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M
Corpii A-Type Small Energy Nosferatu

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Projectile Metastasis Adjuster II

Acolyte II x5

Mid-grade Crystal Alpha
Mid-grade Crystal Beta
Mid-grade Crystal Gamma
Inherent Implants ‘Squire’ Capacitor Systems Operation EO-603
Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Motion Prediction MR-703
Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Medium Projectile Turret MP-803
Inherent Implants ‘Lancer’ Gunnery RF-903
Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Hull Upgrades HG-1003
Agency ‘Pyrolancea’ DB5 Dose III
Antipharmakon Iokira
Antipharmakon Thureo

Hail M x2000
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M x4000
Nanite Repair Paste x100

I suppose it is best used in Dark (dual web helps); neuting ships should be top priority, cause I have no idea how that guy survives under neut pressure, fit is not cap stable even without it.

Zkillboard is ultimate source and easy to use, you know? :wink:

Btw, you need to keep that thing on a very tight orbit, cause even in half falloff it starts missing shots way too often.

That is not my fit. That is a bad fit. Please don’t lie.

My fit is more than cap stable. I have never been capped out in a tier 5…EVER.

That fit is moronic and doesn’t come from Zkill. WTF are you smoking.

And unerf corvettes?

What’s bad about it? How does yours improve? Not looking to criticize, generally interested in a Vagabond Abyssal fit.

Me either, my best T1 record is also about 5 minutes, just under something like 4 50 something. But that is just T1s for the funzies.

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What fit did you used?

It caps out and dies quickly.

My fit is cap stable under heavy NPC neuting and cheaper than 99% of the T5 capable Gilas while also boasting a 100% success rate.

With this fit Gankers can kill you sure. But they will get nothing for their trouble.

Ship 375million
Implants about 1 billion.

[Vagabond, *VagabetterthanGila]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II

Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
10MN Afterburner II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Large Shield Booster II

Heavy Missile Launcher II
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II

Imperial Navy Acolyte x5

Republic Fleet EMP M x12025
Nanite Repair Paste x219
Mjolnir Precision Heavy Missile x4226
Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Motion Prediction MR-705 x1
Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Surgical Strike SS-905 x1
Eifyr and Co. ‘Gunslinger’ Medium Projectile Turret MP-805 x1
High-grade Halo Alpha x1
High-grade Halo Beta x1
High-grade Halo Delta x1
High-grade Halo Epsilon x1
High-grade Halo Gamma x1
High-grade Halo Omega x1

Awesome, thanks! I’ve been running in a Muninn, but having trouble on higher tiers.

I took my T4 gila, hehe, pretty standard faire, the active fit.

I actually like Munin better then the Vaga because I can’t stand flying a shield ship with 4 mids. But it all depends on player tastes and preferences. When all is said and done, fly what you will have the best and highest success rate in.

For me the amount of OH I had to do on both was stupid rediculous and thus I was unable to use them to farm stuff. Since I build Trig stuff this is a very considerable issue for me, I have to be able to reliably farm the mats and with too much OH in too many cases it becomes too stressful.

On a side note, I kinda do like running Electricals in a Phantasm but not L5s. Some people also use Zealots with good success for that. And I also tried out Deimos and Vigilant. I do not recommend either one of the latter. IMHO hybrid turrets are the worst possible weapon choice for Abyss. They use cap, the range on blasters sucks while the rails use up too much PG to be able to still have good tank and tracking and their DPS is sub par to otehr long range options. The lasers do well in electrical also because of the EM damage bonus as well as cap regen.

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