Pilot is sold

WTS 59.9 mil SP Dread/exhummer/JF pilot
+Mid grade Amulet set

  • +5 implant set
  • 1.15 sec status
    can be located in high sec
    no killrights
    i will pay the transfer fee


looking for offers


32B bid

Ty for the offers. noted.


keep em coming


38.5 bill


still looking bids noted

I offer 41 B

daily bump

42b b/o

a little to low for a B/O noted as a bid ty

daily bump

48b, ISK ready now.

Contingent on transfer method, only interested if being done via card…don’t feel like waiting for PLEX transfers at the moment.

50 bil and i can transfer right now.

Sorry, not willing to do that, 48 is my buyout offer.

noted the 48bil as a bid

Just saw your message in game and replied.