Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly is a group of 20 pilots that like to spend our time fighting outnumbered and against the odds in the great thunderdome of Pochven. Especially after recent changes, Brawls have returned to the Triangle and we’re looking to reinforce our numbers to take on more frequent and further engagements.
In addition, we are a member of Minmatar Fleet Alliance [FL33T] which provides plenty of opportunities for content throughout the week in all timezones. Overall, this means that our members enjoy a mix of Mid-Scale fleet brawls in Pochven, Solo/Small-gang content in FW Low-Sec and larger fights in our ongoing Providence Campaign and other ventures.
Example fights:
Sleipnirs vs Marauders [80b down]: Battle Report Tool
Nightmares vs 5-6b Golems: Battle Report Tool
Nightmares vs 60+ Characters: Battle Report Tool
Outnumbered 2:1, CyFis and allied Sacs versus Lokis, Ishtars, Cerberus: Battle Report Tool
Home Defense in Lowsec(Outnumbered 2:1): Battle Report Tool
In short, the following opportunities will be potentially open to you if you decide to apply:
• Weekly Pochven content in fleets of 15-30 Characters, often fighting vastly outnumbered against the odds
• Daily opportunities for Solo/Small-Scale content within a few jumps of our Alliance staging
• Alliance SIGs to engage in BLOPs, Capital Warfare & more
• Income through Pochven PvPvE, FW, Wormholes
• No restrictions on NPSI content apart from very limited blues, none of which are active in K-space
Our requirements are as follows:
• PvP-focused mindset
• Ability or willingness to learn how to push more buttons than F1
• Microphone and willing to be vocal on comms as required
• Some varying degree of humor
• At least 50m SP, limited slots for lower SP players to ensure we can properly support and teach them without sacrificing our effectiveness
• Willing to train into Doctrines
Interested? Here’s further links and our Discord, come say hi, chat to our recruiters and figure out if we might be your next stop for content and a new Corp in New Eden.
Discord: Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
Zkill: Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly. | Corporation | zKillboard
Recruiters: Lucas Ermanelos (Discord: justthatluka), Cynreth Falkenwacht (Discord: arrowmkii)