Post can be closed. All toons received. WTB 1 or 2 alts

I am looking for 1 or 2 alts skilled for PI, trading and science. Advanced laboratory operations will also be a big plus.

Please link your Qnas

This is mainly suitable for people who want an Instant Isk BuyOut. (Message me in game if you like as I’ll be online most of the day for the next 7 days)

Thanks for reading.

Let me know

Hey! I tried to message you ingame but it seems smth went wrong.

So here is my char, maybe it will work for you.


I was flying Gila/Alligator for L4 missions, also Mining Barges. So rockets+drones.
Magic 14 lvl4, some are lvl5.
PI lvl4 will finish today.
Trading def not maxed but I tried to lover the fees.
Specialist ‘Boost’ Cerebral Accelerator (+8) is active for 9 days, 10 hours.
Also I have 271 SKINs :smiley: But most of them are Biosecurity SKINs.
Standart + 2 Bonus remaps.

I’m interested in this toon.
Unfortunately I’ll be away from home for the next 5-6 hours.
But will check in with you as soon as I get back mate.

Sure, no problem!

Hey friend, any updates? Because I will be offline soon.

@nobark8 I just got back now and I’m about to jump online. Can I convo you on this account or another? I will be online within 5 mins. So perhaps convo me then if you don’t want to post the username here

Yeap you can use this name (nobark8), I will log in one min

Are you still looking? If so, let me know what you think of this.

Currently running Max PI planets (6)
Perfect Trade skills except for the contracting ones
Capable of Max (6) Research agents
Perfect Magic 14
Scientific Networking IV
Laboratory Operation V
Industry V
Mass Production IV
Supply Chain Management IV

Thank you.

@HardcoreNublet Looks like a nice toon indeed man. I’m about to jump online if we can have a quick chat in game?

I just woke but am jumping in game for a little bit. If I miss you, when is a good time to get in touch?

@HardcoreNublet I am online now if you have a couple minutes man.

o/ posting a couple of toons

Confirming my postive sec status, located in hi sec, barely any assets, positive wallet, no standings. in npc corp as we speak

Hahaha. Ok sending isk agreed upon in game

isk received, xfer started thank you!

Per CCP rules:

Positive Wallet
Positive Security Status
No kill rights
3 Jump clones in high sec - one with a full set of 4 implants
Is in high sec
Will be in npc corp

Price as agreed in game

Payment sent. Please confirm receipt.

Then please also let me know when you initiate character transfer (in approximately 24 hours when private corp roles have dropped etc)

Payment received. Will start transfer in approximately 24 hours

@Maitongas_Nabali Character received. Thanks again mate :blush: