Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

Bla, bla, bla.

Nothing you said in that wall of crap text even remotely proves how Alpha accounts make money for CCP. All you did was post a bunch of hypothetical BS. I don’t care if an Alpha account was subbed last month as an Omega or how you think they help the game by being targets for hunting, for trade, make ISK from, etc. All you’re trying to do is justify the ability to play this game for free.

The bottom line is that an Alpha account doesn’t make CCP any money.

Among other things, that decline mainly started after CCP added MT’s to the game. CCP continued to push more MT stuff which only spurred the decline even more. Eventually due to wanting to sell the company, CCP resorted to adding Alpha accounts so that the decline would stop and make the game numbers look good.

Don’t care about your analysis of Pearl Abyss, sure they excel in MT’s and for players to move up in those types of games it costs way more money than paying a monthly subscription. F2P games depend on MT’s to be profitable for the company. Eventually this game will be set up to where if you want to move up in ship class, pay MT. If you want to fit good equipment to your ship, pay MT. If you want to do a different career choice in-game, pay MT.

MT’s is all about ‘Nickel and Dime’ players to death. The only reason MT games work is thanks to people like you who think paying a sub is old and busted yet paying MT’s for every single step you take in a game is new and hotness.

As for Eve Online being old and boring, that’s your opinion which quite frankly sux. In fact, since you don’t like this game why are you even here? Either you run multiple alt accounts farming ISK in-game for PLEX or you’re just a cheapskate alpha account.

Doesn’t matter, the type of mentality you have is what’s killing this game.

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