Private Sale

Selling myself.
Discussed it ingame with Tash Viliana.

Eve skillboard link
Skillboard password sent ingame.

Character has positive wallet.
Character has no Kill Rights.
Character is in NPC Corporation.

Can confirm that I am purchasing this character in a private sale for 30.5b. Upon OP confirming sale price I will send isk & account info.

Confirming I accept the offer.
Send account information and isk.

Upon receving will start the transfer.

ISK & account info sent.

ISK received. Transfer started. Quote :


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Dudemeister Yakuza

Will be completed after: 5/12/2019 2:48:35 AM

Have fun and fly safe!

Received character as advertised. Transaction complete. Thank you!

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