You all know and love EvE Hell, a funny compilation of eve themed clips. I want to pick up where 40 Cent left almost a decade ago.
What am I looking for?
Clips like T. H. A. T. Short. Funny(?). Preferably 720p and above.
How to send me stuff?
Upload (in a somewhat common format) to a random hosting site. youtube, google drive, torrent etc. Sites that allow direct private links and no need to make an account (when downloading).
Provide information- used resources, copyright, name of the clip, your group/ character in-game name and so on. Not mandatory but it helps.
in-game mail Blade Darth or regular mail.
What’s in it for me?
Funny video to watch. Advertisement. Cookies.
When is the deadline?
Not set. Months. I want the compilation to have 20-ish clips in it. So far got 2 and an idea for the intro.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976
<insert boring law stuff here>
It’s gonna be a non-profit and hopefully non-copyright-infringementing parody.