Pyfa - The Python Fitting Assistant

Same for me.

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I don’t know if this is a problem with Windows 10 or Pyfa, but I have a TV connected to my computer which is usually turned off unless I’m watching stuff like Netflix. Yet, everytime I launch Pyfa it opens on my TV so I have to turn it on and drag the Pyfa window to my monitor. After I close Pyfa, it will launch again on my TV if it was closed while it was maximized. It will launch on my monitor only if I resized it prior to closing.

Does your TV have a HDMI cable connected to it?

If yes, the HDMI port makes windoze dedicate the TV screen at priority 1 and your local screen as 2.
You can flip the priorities somewhere in the display settings. I believe you can drag them into the proper position on that settings window. Your local screen should be screen 1 and your TV screen 2.

Screen 1 is usually on the left.

Yes, my TV is connected via HDMI cable. My TV is shown as screen 1 and my monitor as screen 2 in display settings and I can’t find a way to change that (and if I do, wouldn’t that move my other apps to TV?).

Same issue here ESI auth is broke on my work PC. Guessing a security update of some sort killed the auth communication from browsers to the app.

You can change the order in the display settings by dragging and dropping the screens into the proper position.

Screen 2 should be on the right side, which would be your TV screen. So everything you drag on the right should stay there and everything new would be on screen 1, your local screen.

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It’s a useful program, but the UI is partly annoying and in general it’s reacting really slowly.

I have tried rearranging order of screens in display settings, but I’m still having the same problem. Furthermore, same problem also appears on my work computer where I have two identical monitors - Pyfa always launches on my secondary monitor, even if I drag it to my primary monitor before closing it. Most other applications don’t have this problem.

Hey sorry for being AFK, was busy with other things. I will read all requests and reply to them later.

Meanwhile, pyfa was updated for January 2020 release:


Thank you very much for all your hard work in keeping this app updated.


Unfortunately still no luck with getting ESI characters to work anymore on work pc.

  • Add character clicked
  • ESI website page launches
  • Credentials entered and authorize clicked
  • Python page “localhost:xxxxx/?st…” etc loads
  • no response on the application though, it just sits on the “waiting for character login…”

Multiple browsers used, works on my personal PC. Sadly the cached characters no longer update either.

Try again as just recently there was an ESI downtime according to which I checked after being unable to sign in to a third-party eve-mail client, now it shows being up again.

Edit: EVEmail works too now.

Nope same issue. It feels like windows is blocking the communication between python in the browser and the client. No patch notes I can find that state anything to that nature though.


I get the following error when trying to toggle view in the “Affected by” tab of ship stats:

EVE Data Version: 1646988 (2020-01-16 11:39:23)

OS version: Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0
Python version: 3.6.8 (tags/v3.6.8:3c6b436a57, Dec 23 2018, 23:31:17) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)]
wxPython version: 4.0.6 (wxWidgets 3.0.5)
SQLAlchemy version: 1.3.12
Logbook version: 1.5.3
Requests version: 2.22.0
Dateutil version: 2.8.1


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\projects\pyfa\gui\builtinItemStatsViews\", line 148, in ToggleViewMode
  File "C:\projects\pyfa\gui\builtinItemStatsViews\", line 166, in PopulateTree
  File "C:\projects\pyfa\gui\builtinItemStatsViews\", line 250, in buildAttributeView
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

Had a corpmate try it an it works for him so I’m guessing it’s an issue on my end. Anyone have any ideas? Happens for all ships that I’ve tried including unfit ones.

Returning after a few years, 1st time trying pyfa…and I am unable to select a character. SSO character management verifies that my characters were added, yet the only options via the drop down are all 5 or all 0. Am I missing something?

Maybe try selecting the Editor tab and see if character and skills are listed there.

They aren’t showing there - the EVE SSO tab is all grayed out when I select it. I would think the “Log In with EVE SSO” button would be active at least, but it is not.

Have same isue.
Tryed to change login methods in preferences but nothing worked.
Anyone have same problem ??

I think you may have missed a step (at least it’s what I’ve done and it all seems to work well).

Once you’ve got the chars showing up in the SSO Character Management you then need to add them as characters into Pyfa, do this from: Editors - Character Editor

You’ll need to add a ‘new character’ (using the top right menu), then once the name is added (top line) you can select the “EVE SSO” tab, pick the character you wish to ‘import’ and click ‘Get Skills’. This will then show the ‘new’ character when you go to fit ships. For future updates you only need click the ‘refresh API’ next to the char name at the fitting window and it will update the skills for that associated char.

Hmm, not sure what you’ve tried to change in the preferences, but afaict it should look like this:


If it doesn’t you could have issues.



You need to press “New Character” in the Character Editor window, before adding your character, after the import.