Pyfa does model the damage correctly, including indicating that the theoretical maximum is approximately 82km (assuming the server ticks are in your favor). I think the value pyfa shows is intentionally lower to indicate the longest range the missile is guaranteed to hit assuming the last server tick is not in your favor (so there is no “gambling” involved).
Kadesh Priestess question: I thought in pyfa the missiles were supposed to show 50% damage in the “middle area” before the final server tick per the above graph - why is this showing above 50% damage? (This graph is missiles Heavily Missile Launchers only, no turrets or drones).
EDIT: Figured out why. Had to reread earlier explanation
adding a webbing drone to projected effects produced:
pyfa v2.22.1
EVE Data Version: 1751741 (2020-06-18 11:35:35)
OS version: Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0
Python version: 3.7.7 (tags/v3.7.7:d7c567b08f, Mar 10 2020, 10:41:24) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
wxPython version: 4.0.6 (wxWidgets 3.0.5)
SQLAlchemy version: 1.3.17
Logbook version: 1.5.3
Requests version: 2.24.0
Dateutil version: 2.8.1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “gui\builtinAdditionPanes\”, line 202, in fitChanged
File “gui\builtinAdditionPanes\”, line 218, in refreshContents
File “gui\builtinAdditionPanes\”, line 165, in droneSort
AttributeError: type object ‘DroneView’ has no attribute ‘DRONE_ORDER’
wtb dark mode pyfa pls
Hi, can you please make the right panel wider in the macOS version, some of the values are not shown because they don’t fit.
any help would be great
Was abyssal module support added?
I thought I saw somewhere mention of this.
Hello, I apologize ahead if this is not the correct place to report a discrepancy, but i have a Pyfa 2.24.1 that shows a Mrymidon fit as cap stable (all 5 skills setting) yet in game depletes in 7:39 according to the Fitting assistant
I’ve used Pyfa for many years an never before had this discrepancy. Micah Janus
I just tested it on Pyfa out of curiosity, and the difference is due to the railguns being off in your screenshot.
If you turn them on, then Pyfa indicates the cap would be depleted in 8m 1s with All 5 skills.
Just wondering how we’re going with a night mode for this app? Currently, doing late night lab sessions is horribly painful on the old retinas.
Would it be possible to add a feature that can delete all of my in game saved fits.
Can you please keyword Multispectrum Shield smth or whatever it’s called now back to “Invu” please? Same for “Ener ada” .
Hard to rewrite muscle memory. All kinds of “Multifrequency” get in the way as well =(.
It would be AWESOME if pyfa implemented this, the inverse of the “Affected By” tab, basically: Fitting UI: functional filtering of modules
Would it be possible to have an ‘Alpha Only’ mode that removes all ships and modules that require Omega skills?
Currently I have a ‘Max Skill Alpha’ setting for trained skills but only after I add a module does the currently unknown skill red warning show. Also for your average new player knowing which ships on the create new fitting list are Alpha compatible is a daunting task.
Having an Alpha Only mode would also allow non-max skill alpha pilots to input their current skills, create a fit that is alpha friendly, and plan their skill training accordingly.
Anybody else have an issue where pyfa runs extremely slow on a particular computer? I’ve got it installed on several PCs and one of them (just a regular home desktop running win10) it’s so slow i can see the info rendering from the top of the window to the bottom when I make a change. The computer hardware is modern and has no issues with other applications or games, only pyfa. Windows is up to date and it’s got the standard things installed you’d find on any home PC.
I don’t know what kind of logs or spec sheets to post to verify anything, and I wouldn’t classify it as a bug with pyfa yet since it’s just this one PC.
Any ideas for things to check would be appreciated.
I should add that I have tried fresh installs of the program, but haven’t reformatted the PC yet because that’s the nuclear option.
Love the software but can you please make a dark theme for it.
I’m getting blind at night with all that white
How do add my character info to it? Thanks.
Latest patch 18.11 messed up the boosters, it only shows the new ones from patch 18.11
Hi I have a couple of sugestions to do.
I been using PyFa since not too long ago and I am really starting to like it but I find the interface to find ships really hard to navigate.
Would it be possible to so a tree like we have ingame? the list we currently have it is hard to navigate, specially when you go into a ship type and come back, your selection is gone.
The way you implementes the Market with the tree like ingame and the modules bellow would also work really nice for the ship selections
Another request would be to allow to change the tooltip delay, I find it too short and tooltips vanish too quickly. Allowing to change to a longer period would allow to read stats without opening more windows or fittings.
Another suggestion would be to have a button toggle-like (on/off) that would hide any module in the market that is not the adequate size for the currently selected ship, for example, if I have a megathron open, it would hide all small medium and XL guns, small and medium afterburners and mwd, etc
and also, the dark theme please, this white background is harsh on the eyes.
thank you