Currently running Pyfa v2.18.1. I’m trying to confirm how to save customized Abyssal modules correctly. I had saved some fits w/the modules added and modified, but when I started pyfa after a reboot today, the modules went back to their base “stock” versions so I had to change them back to abyssal and enter in all the data again. Is there a particular setting I need to check/un-check to make sure the abyssal mods stay on the fit w/the updated stats?
hello :), can someone explain me the difference between “Projected” and “Command” fits that can be added when simulating a ship ? or can you link me a post/wiki page explaining those options ?
“Projected” is for things like logistics, or remote sensor boosters and ewar (neuts, scrams, damps, etc), things that project an effect onto another ship. WH effects can also be simulated under “Projected”. While “Command” is for fleet assistance modules, like Command Bursts, so the affects from these things will apply to the current ship, so any ‘fleet bonus’. Keep in mind that for ships to apply the bonus (or debuff, in the case of ewar) the ship showing here needs to have the module/s active.
edit: updated link, since v2.20.0 had a major issue which prevented users from fitting guns/launchers up to full amount a ship allows
Stats of abyssal mods should be saved when you close its stats window. Until then, you see just “preview” of these stats on your fit. This is needed to make undo/redo work efficiently (i.e. combine multiple changes of abyssal module stats into a single batch, so that you can undo them with one key press).
Realistic way would be running from source, but it takes some time and effort to set up an environment for it. Pyfa totally works on 32 bit, I am just avoiding 32 bits due to the fact that we use pyinstaller to make binary builds, and 32 bit executables generated by it are mis-detected as malware by multiple AV vendors, including major ones. You can read more about it here:
So, I am just avoiding suspicion and possible reputation loss for the project by not publishing 32 bit builds.
ps Setting up environment is not that hard. Install python 3.7, then cd to pyfa folder, and execute “python -m pip install -r requirements.txt”. After that you can run pyfa by executing “python”
Why was the redo command ctrl+shift+z changed to ctrl+y? This makes it much more annoying to compare changes to fits. It hurts my hand to keep fingers on all ctrl z and y. Please change it back or allow both.
I’m used to false positives from Microsoft Defender, but this is the first time Malwarebytes has flagged an issue - surprising since Pyfa hasn’t been updated in a while. Please investigate.
Malwarebytes reports app’s exe, but this exe is generated by pyinstaller on appveyor hosted machine by our build scripts, and my hands do not touch anything. See this comment for further insight about build process. See pyinsaller issues on false positives to understand scale of the issue.
@Drakonaar the fit and/or implants you have in game must be different because the game wouldn’t even let you make such a fit otherwise with your CPU going over 100% like that.
That image tells me nothing because I don’t know the exact modules you’re fitting, I only see their icons. You need to show me “save fit” dialog that tells the the exact fit details.