Rapidly declining players

Windys chili makes me wish I had grandkids to say “Pull my finger” to.

How is it that grandparents can get away with griefing their own grandkids? :rofl:

Just saw on RT that they won the war the evil Ukraine brought upon them. So why would this be an impact?

I sometimes decline fleet invites rapidly.

Education, am I right?

It was very telling when I myself didn’t renew my main or alt account even with the Omega+MCT at 50% off just a few weeks ago.

I simply don’t want to play EVE anymore. CCP has done nothing to enhance PVP or PVE in years.


Some are even having fun or looking at making fun while they wait.

Well with the fact that recently released there are less than 500 subs via real money this will not take too much longer.

Only 500 active money subs?! Is that possible? Even at the new $20 rate, that would only equate to $10,000! If Eve had a fantastically robust MTX store then, perhaps, the game would remain afloat. But there doesn’t seem to be any way in heck they are generating, what was it in USD, something like $12 million in Q2 2022 just on 500 money subs and PLEX purchases. Or could they?


No. “Fact” seems to have taken on a definition that also means “Not Fact”.


I just want you to know that I’m a really big fan of your work.

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Yah you see people like @Donald_J_Spock spread misinformation and does not even care to add a reference link for his very bold claim.

EVE has more than 500 people subscribing to the game on monthly/yearly basis. (I have no evidence but, I have a feeling more than 500 UNIQUE people play the game :stuck_out_tongue: )

UNLESS information comes out to the contrary I will not believe a word.


I kinda thought so but as a returning player I didn’t want to discount the possibility of missing some scandalous press release or something over the last year. :smile:

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Operating at massive losses in recent months while people leaving at a rate of about 1500 per week.

The numbers are not lying.

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You got that proof or

I mean you do seem to be a random alt :smiley:

:sweat_smile: That’s nice bs but the adults in the room know better.
Who’s this, Mr. Bendover again? Nice Alt name, Donald :rofl:

Sure… and of course you’d know the financial situation thanks to… ?

Numbers? Did you say numbers? And of course there is no trace whatsoever of those numbers here. What happened to them, stuck in traffic?

Your logic is as sound as a sponge so only 500 subscribers remain but 1500 of them are leaving per week? so you are saying that Eve will be empty in 2.3 days?

Let’s see if you are correct.

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Welcome to the Roaring Twenties II

It’s just summer guys c’mon.



Number 2 : WOW Classic Wotlk patch came out. Everyone is playing OP Death Knights. The ganking is delicious.

Hey…do I spot a sawn off graph ? Way to go, with mis-representing data. Of course if you have a graph where the bottom 14,000 is sawn off then it visually magnifies any changes. Oh, and on top of that…way to go with starting the graph with the winter and spring when it is naturally higher stats and ending it with summer where it is naturally lower. Thus ensuring the end point will be lower than the start.

Whoever created that graph is prime politician material !