Rapidly declining players

CCP pls PEGI-20+


Dual wield dk was a lot of fun in pvp back in the day wont lie. Too nervis to try now as I would end up loosing months of my life lol…

Um, it’s pretty common practice to cut the “dead space” out of a graph. The stuff below 14k isn’t relevant so why waste space with a big blank white field?

as a data analyst… statistics is just about wording everything correctly… and the powers that be DON:T want to hear BAD NUMBERS…they want you to spin a lie and make things positive (or negative if your seeking that result also).

and if you don’t give them what they want… they will assume you don’t know what your doing and/or view you as a threat to their job so they will start trying to get rid of you and screw you over the same time.

saying this from experience AND I AM ONLY 31…

politics/agendas ruin everything anymore…people don’t care about truth…they just want clicks and MONEYZ

(EDIT: also EVE is on a slight decline, but that doesn’t mean it can’t come back and as said going from winter to summer is just trying to give the appearance of a steeper decline then reality. as you can make any data look much better or worse just by the amount/period, but EVE has seen better days and wouldn’t be surprised if the price increase is playing a part)


Player quantity is irrelevant.

Player quality is far more important, and the average quality of EvE players has increased dramatically since I started playing the game.


No…there is no such thing as ‘dead space’. The whole idea of a graph is to show you the actual relative amounts, not some chopped off version that distorts the true figures. Sure…mis-representing data is a common practice.

I spent my career as a systems analyst, and had to learn statistics for that too. One of the most common mis-representations of data is the sawn off graph. You see it everywhere…even the FT and Dow Jones graphs. By chopping off at just the right place, one can make a 2% fall in the Dow Jones look visually like a plummet by a massive amount. Whenever people want to exaggerate the curve of a graph…bring in that saw and chop off most of it.

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Hello. I’m a graduate student who has worked on multiple research projects. Yes it’s common practice. Why would the graph extend down to 0? This would not provide any meaningful data. The graph @Jon_Tekitsu posted tells you everything you need to know without extending the graphic to fill an entire page.

The graph in question does in fact show you the relative amounts: in April 2021 there were just shy of 24,000 logged in players. By August 2022 there are just shy of 16,000 logged in players. Nothing meaningful is added by extending the graph lower than 14,000 because logged in players never dips below 14,000.

If anyone is being manipulative and disingenuous it’s you.

Mmkay, well here’s the full graph of PCU, dating back to June 26, 2003:


How about you tell us where it’s appropriate to partition the graph without “mis-representing” the data.


At this point in time, Sad to say, I doubt many players care about graphs…

Rather sadly, MOST of the CSM that “Cared” about the game have now left… big alliance leaders have stepped aside…

If you ask me, there is one SIMPLE number to watch, and that’s the amount of players on the login screen.

Whatever your playstyle, it’s really quite simple - If you are NOT within 3 jumps of Jita, then it’s not worth logging in - no matter where you live, hunt or wardec, no matter which toon you chose when you joined up… Merc or Indy etc…

Sadly, I feel, we will miss the pressure that our CSM used to put on CCP = As we will our frequent “Players” - Those, that generated content.

Everything is fine. Its just holidays on the north hemisphere, and right now south one. Take ur time and dont be toxic. Mr. patatti and his ceo, know how to deal with you. Chill plebs.

We chilled - By not logging in…



Props for you Mr/Mrs!

Seriously…I can’t believe the point even needs arguing.

I’ve spent 35 years working with data. This sort of thing paid off the house and car.

The primary purpose of a graph is to be a visual representation. If you chop off any of the graph then you are not visually representing properly. The point being that it is easy to mis-represent data that way. It is easy to make rises and falls visually look larger than they actually are.

I worked with data for only maybe 10 years, but used it to manipulate a major world power election, which has caused irreparable damage to our social fabric, and stunted our growth as a species for at least a few decades. Can you beat that?

But remember, Lucas believes youngins are the nubs of EVE :smiley:

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I can ! By chopping off the bottom 50 years of data on everyone’s life, I can make pensioners 16 again ! I mean, the first 50 years of life is just ‘dead data’ anyway. Boring stuff like school and getting a job and getting married. Life begins when you can play Scrabble and have a Zimmer frame.

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This graph visually mis-represents the data. It does not really convey that there is actually only about 8% or 9% of difference between the successive high peaks or low troughs. It suspiciously starts at a high point and ends at a low point…always a factor suggesting confirmation bias…especially when the start point of the year is not the same as the end point. And any good graph would have notes explaining the rise in figures due to covid, for example.



It doesn’t: extending the graph down to 0 would not provide any meaningful data.

Which is what the graph did.

This isn’t even a debate at this point. You are so flat out blatantly full stop wrong that I am forced to assume you are trolling.

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Sure it does. Right on the side there, you can see numbers.

Yes because they’re showing the decline in PCU from X date to Y date.

This is called “moving the goalposts”.

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Lol…if you think that graph accurately visually represents the data then no, there is no debate as you clearly cannot grasp the concept of visual mis-representation despite having even admitted that it exists in an earlier post.

There’s a car park 3/4 of the way up Cairngorm. Has someone who walks to the top from there ‘climbed’ the mountain ? Is the bottom 3/4 just ‘dead data’ ? I’ve actually done the whole ascent, and laughed at the car parkers talking about ‘I climbed the mountain’. In future I’m gonna get a helicopter and land just 1 foot short of the summit and brag about a great and difficult climb.