Rapidly declining players

Oh dear. I broke them.

Is that the standard 8 foot tall goal posts…or the 3 foot ones where the bottom 5 feet have been removed as ‘dead goal post’ ?

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Oh now we’re doing erroneous analogies.

Maybe I misunderstand it, but I feel like I get what both of you are saying. @Xuixien has presented a graph that is accurate in the sense that the numbers and axis are accurately labeled. It does portray exactly what it’s makers intended it to portray. I feel like they point @Altara_Zemara is making is that a graph can be accurate, but also misleading by the way it is presented. By removing the bottom chunk of data, the peaks and valleys LOOK bigger than they might otherwise. The numbers are the same with or without it, but one could argue that one graph might LOOK like it’s representing more dynamic data than it actually is. Picking certain start and end dates can do the same thing. It’s like the old Simpsons joke where someone is trying to sell disco records by showing a graph of rising disco sales between 1971 and 1976. “If these trends continued, heyyy…”


Maybe you can explain…

  1. Why the graph has arbitrary start and end dates and time period. Oh…maybe that’s because a graph that started in August 2021 and ended in August 2022 would show practically no difference !

  2. So why start the graph 4 months earlier…deliberately at a high point, and deliberately chop off the bottom 14,000 ( its not as if it couldn’t possibly be made to fit ). This is clear selection bias…with the chopping off being deliberately used to enhance the effect.

It simply is not good enough to just say ‘it gives numbers that are accurate’. It is a deliberately dishonest presentation of those numbers. It has been selected specifically for that effect.

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Player count looks pretty good to me, astronomical growth!



‘Lies, damned lies, and statistics.’ ( Mark Twain )


Look, lets not pretend anymore. The real reason why there is a decline in player retention is because local law enforcement isn’t taking the seriousness of the ganking mentality seriously and locking those psychopaths up. Only when the game is free of all toxicity and psychological abuse will it grow in numbers again. Pixilated spaceships is very serious business.


Any segment of a graph you show will be “arbitrary”, but that’s not what we’re arguing about right now. Go back and reread your own posts. You’re whining because the graph cut off at 14k, despite there being zero data points below 14k within that segment. The graph represents the same data wether the Y axis spanned to 0 or not.

I trounced you on that so now you’re trying to quibble over the segment selection, throwing the word “arbitrary” around as if it is in any way meaningful. Any segment of a graph you select will be “arbitrary”. Therefore this is, in point of fact, a meaningless protest.

Don’t pull a Lucas, @Altara_Zemara

As much as I like a good graph fight, and I’ve used SPSS a few times, let’s focus on the real enemy please.

Grampy Kells Rroff :smiley:

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It’s too late…the servers will never survive the ice age that has just started…


What does the “Rroff” mean?

It’s another guy he got into a forum war with like a year ago. That guy kept referencing other forums where people talked about eve, and eventually Gix just turned Roff into a verb for a few months.

……I hate the fact I know that.


With that being said, I guess this behavior isn’t new or surprising. If it’s not one person, it will be another.

You did ? All I see is a self-declared victory.

Sigh. Do I really have to explain about selection bias ? It is why most graphs cover specific time periods ( a year, a month, whatever ) precisely so that someone cannot just tack on 4 months arbitrarily for effect. With an arbitrary start and end date/time you can make a graph say anything !

Also, chopping off the bottom of a graph is one thing if one is dealing with a tiny change in the Dow Jones index and you can’t fit 29,000 on the page. It’s quite another matter when the missing segment could reasonably be displayed but has just mysteriously disappeared. Add that to the selection bias of start and end dates and there is zero doubt that the data has been deliberately manipulated.

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“Deliberately manipulated” meaning they wanted to show the decline over the past year, selected the segment representing the last year, and made your panties twist in a knot. K bro, take care.

For some of the way these arguments go, you would think everyone has an alt for each topic? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Your ‘year’ has 16 months in it ?

Hey…I have a great idea. Rather than yearly government fiscal reports, lets have ’ yearly plus a bit extra if it makes the report look good ’ reports !

It’s who Grampy Kells is :smiley:

:smiley: Tis true. And its how I know Rroff is indeed Grampy Kells because he literally said the same thing finally and gave himself away.

Truth be told I’d almost forgotten about that dude until Grampy Kells snitched on himself :smiley: