Rapidly declining players

game is good


There’s a story here. Do tell! How did he snitch on himself?

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Yours doesn’t? :thinking:

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In one of his billion posts, he said word for word what Rroff used to say about visiting other forums about EVE even when he didn’t play and all that.

I knew his ranting sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it until he said that :smiley:


Gota love this example of just how much a truncated graph can mislead.

The graph in the top right here is the exact same data in both cases…

I rest my case.


I know how misleading graphs and data sets work. Hell, even manipulation of statistical data to incorrectly represent a result you want. I’m no stranger to the tricks people use to deliberately mislead people with data sets and information

I just thought it was funny that you were getting into the minutiae of definition the way Kells does. But the difference is, you actually back it up with, you know, sources.

Its already turning upwards thou so should be good can see the trend. Actually looking at that graph the rate of acceleration counteracting the downward curve is insane I can easily imagine it boosting the players 50x after that.

None of that applies to the graph we’re arguing about. Look at their example of the truncated graph, and compare it to the graph you’re whining about. The Wiki example’s spread is about 400 points out of about 10,000, or 4%. The PCU graph that has your panties twisted has a spread of 8,000 out of 24,000, or ONE THIRD.

I’ve shown this graph to 8 different people, all of whom are involved in research, and all of them agreed that the graph is perfectly fine. The only question raised was: “why that time period?”.

An article on truncated graphs doesn’t apply to what is actually a truncated graph ? Yeah…sure. I can’t be bothered with this sort of Lucas style obfuscation.

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Fixed that for you.

Good effort though.

Lol…you are heading down the Lucas path of semantics !

‘Oh…this graph can’t be misleading as it’s not as misleading as a hugely misleading graph’



All visual representations of data are misleading to some extent. Just like all models are wrong.

I don’t think you really grasp this topic very well.

I only worked in it for 30 years. Sorry…but I simply can’t be bothered having this sort of crazy discussion simply because someone can’t bear to concede a point.

Good day to you.


Concession accepted. :v:

omg, it spreads :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The topic is “Rapidly declining players”, this thread has become ‘my graphing skills are better than yours’. Is anybody disputing that the numbers are actually declining?

In a sandbox game, interacting with other players is the lifeblood of the game. Declining population is a serious issue.

Only CCP [and PA] know the actual finances. How many subs paid for at what rate { full monthly price or multi month discount] how many Alphas plex, [ considering that Plex shows as a liability on the books], and how many are true FTP ?

The login figures are relevant to the possibility of interaction with other players. How those logins are paid for [or not] affects the financial stability of CCP. A big unknown is how many former subscribers have downgraded to fully FTP, whether it be cost or just holding on pending future developments.

Please stop arguing over whose statistics about the decline are better, and address how to stop the decline.

After CCP started offering items for sale using Plex in the NES the player base has offered many suggestions as to what items they would be willing to pay for. And if they pay they may stay, and maybe attract new or former players. CCP for years has ignored these suggestions and instead continued investing in failed non EVE developments, and changed many features of the game that have been ill received.

We will see if CCP actually enables use of Corp and Alliance logos on your ship. This has been suggested for years.

Now to give the flamers and trolls some fodder----

Captain’s quarters!

I would like CQ in EVE
Telling me to go to SC is a troll and not an answer.
Have there not been improvements in the computer industry since it was tried before? Or are we still at Windows XP and Pentium III @ 450k hertz with 3 gig max ram, with a 25k dial up, and no changes in video cards?
Technically it IS possible. Coding has changed, it only requires investing in EVE instead of a new doomed to fail venture.

Why do it? Along with others I have expressed a willingness to BUY items for the CQ with Plex {real money into the coffers of CCP}. Here am I begging CCP to take my money!

“Nobody wants it”, let me tell you I am somebody. There are also other somebodies out there. If YOU do not like the idea you are free to say so. I am free to say I like the idea.

“Slows the game down.” Upon release of CQ the game default start was in the CQ, even I disliked this. It soon changed to optional, a separate instance that should not interfere with the rest of the game.

CCP will keep a close eye on ship logo sales and look at the revenue it generates. Then maybe look at the requests for CQ and see an new revenue stream.


No bruv. No one cares about walking in stations LOL.

EVE is actually refreshing in that regard.

The station doesn’t matter. Its just a place to hold your stuff and to know you can’t get blapped.

The real content is supposed to be out in space.

I get why you carebears just wanna stay docked up and play fashion run off in your quarters.

I suggest Destiny 2 :smiley: Just get fancy and you can emote around the tower.

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I Disagree, A lot of people wanted walking in stations, Just done right.


I want Walking in Stations, (Done Right) And Im not a Carebear.


ROFL, sure bruvs :smiley:

Obvious alts are obvious LOL.

Literally no one cares about walking in stations.

Go play NMS, walk around the space station. It does nothing LOL. It’d be so much easier if everything was nearby. It is quite annoying to have to wander everywhere in that piece to find things.