Remnants of War was formed to bring like-minded players together for comradery and mutual benefits. We offer a huge host of services for players wanting to grow their presence on Eve. We would like to share our nul sec infrastructure and knowledge to help you succeed, and in turn, help our corporation grow. We have US and EU players, but all are welcome.
What We Offer
For miners we offer 5 lucrative moons, an ice belt in system along with enormous ore belts and T2 rigged refineries. No corp mining taxes.
For PVE we offer 14+ havens, DED marketplace, a 1% tax rate, and a Keepstar in system to dock larger ships.
For PI we offer 550+ planets with most at a 2% customs rate, and all available through a low cost jump bridge network.
For manufacturing we offer T2 rigged stations to make Sub-Caps and Supers, along with T2 rigged research and invention stations one jump away and all with low tax rates.
For PVP we offer corp roams, gate camping, and system defense. No forced PVP.
We are well organized with Teamspeak, Discord, and Seat.
Relative safety of a dead end pocket, with a far reaching intel network.