Remove triglavians fleets from high sec or let us get easy way to get possitive standiog

I encountered 0 gankers, 0 trig systems, 1 havoc system that didn’t affect me at all.

You are assuming it will go like this every time, do you think that is reasonable?

Provided it’s not a system that can have trigs or a system that is protected from insurgencies, it will be. Gankers ofc we can’t guarantee, nor future content, but an aware player will have forewarning if there are changes.

It’s just another in a long line of botter or I want a prize for just showing up at this point.

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Nope, apparently those of us who have been here for years, we want the game to stay the same to keep new people out and we are gatekeepers

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Yes? I’ve only been playing for 4 years, but I’ve made I’m sure thousands of jumps through hi sec. Thousands. I was ganked once on the jita undock when I wasn’t paying attention and lost my BR. I almost lost a Vargur to EDENCOM on a gate once. That’s the extent of my losses to all those nefarious forces. The game and the community give you all the answers you need to succeed here.

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I do not see us as gate keepers. I see us as instructors. We cannot determine who is worthy of playing eve nor should we even try. Only the determination of the player can actually determine that. Nor can we determine the direction of the game. New players want a laid back game. We’re trying to make a nitch game mainstream and the mechanics just don’t seem to fit right.

If I come across that way, then I made the wrong choice in how I approach the forums.

Oh i know what ya meant, but dchill and wesrfahrn and few others blame us as apologists and wont listen to reason.


Dchill giving me goose bumps that he’s an alt of a dude that keeps recycling forum alts.

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He just wants to have a reasonable conversation.

You should kill all trigs and loot them, and salvage their wrecks, this is how you remove them from high sec, and how you make a lot of ISK.


With you it makes 11.
Basic arithmetic is required course at University of Caille :smiley:

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Can’t believe I read every single post in this thread.

I never liked the Trig storyline and I’ve never engaged in the Trig content. Despite my extensive work on NPC standings, I’ve never worked on Edencom or Triglavian standings.

I do travel all around New Eden as an Explorer / Mission Runner / Trader and the only problems I encounter from the Edencom / Triglavian content is the constant on-screen pop-up warning me that I’m entering their system.


LOL, a percentage chance of your ship blowing up inside a station eh ?

You should get blown up more, get into the spirit of the game.

How to mitigate getting blown up ? Have insurance, read about the game, be willing to learn, and accept the fact that safety is your own responsibility in New Eden - and no one else’s.
If that is not your cup of tea, well, I don’t have to finish that sentence. You know how it ends.


There’s something wrong with the game when devs dictate to players what to do in a *Sandbox game.

I agree. Games are supposed to be for players to play not be forced to do things they don’t want to do.
I understand it’s ( supposedly ) easy to solve it but that’s not the point.

How about you have to solve a riddle or puzzle everytime you want to dock? It’s easy, just solve it and dock. You can’t? Then EvE isn’t for you.
How about you have to have 10 Standing points wjth the faction whose system you’re trying to enter? It’s easy, just do all the missions for that faction. PvE not interesting? Then EvE isn’t for you…

Again, there is something wrong with a Sandbox when the devs force players to do something.

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I just want high security space to be high security but it might not be possible. Every gate, station and belt you should expect to lose your ship even if its high sec. Because reasons :slight_smile:

But if its not possible to make high security space into high security then at least make the game so much better in terms of everything else that its a price people are willing to pay so to speak.

There are thousands of big and small suggestions for how to make the game better but there seems to be no interest from the games maintainers to even consider them. And the content the maintainers come up with themselves is barely thought through either. Can someone explain why its like that?


“High Security” doesn’t mean anything in this game. It’s like “pre-boarding”, it doesn’t make sense but people play along like sheep as if it did.
If you want high security stay docked.

CCP is under the impression that the game is worth hundreds of dollars a years… I’m not one to burst other people’s bubble but I do agree things could be improved in several areas.
Of course the consensus seems to be “working as intended” so there isn’t even an debate. Play, shut up or gtfo.

Well, they know better, you see. Plus it’s their game so…

That’s simply business before entertainment.

Because unlike you I actually play the game…and thus am clever.

If they are shooting whiny people then I like it and think CCP should add more like that.

Can I have all your stuff ?

So do you understand what the difference is between hi sec, lo sec, and null is?

Something tells me you dont.

“grabbing pop corn”