Remove triglavians fleets from high sec or let us get easy way to get possitive standiog

I think you answered your own question.

If someone chooses to live in an area, I would expect them to learn what that area entails. Not all of high sec is the same, this is true for both players and the NPCs. Someone living in The Forge and Sinq Laison will have two different experiences. Heck, most of Minmatar high sec is free from Trigs due to the actions taken during Invasions.

Most new players might lose a frigate or destroyer, maybe a hauler…and then they learn why it happens, either through friends, corpmates, or the internet at large. Only a few who are completely entitled and self-centered (Or non-observant) will keep on making the same mistakes from doing the same thing.

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If someone chooses to live in an area, I would expect them to learn what that area entails.

Explain high sec like im five

You have to be 13 to play.

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You cant explain the rules of high-sec is my point

Show me where it says that security affects NPCs other than CONCORD. The main difference are types on content, and what players are allowed to do without a CONCORD response.

Not at all, they have been explained to you at great length, but you refuse to listen. I can’t decide if this another I can’t bot thd or another I can’t fly thd?

The rules of high sec has not been explained except for the part where you have to go to Pochven, find and kill and NPC to be safe. Maybe it made sense 3 years ago.

Nice twist on facts.
The Twist - Chubby Checker (

You claimed the rules of high sec had been explained at great length which is not the case. But go on

Continue yourself, you’re entertaining a lot of players.

It’s important for high-sec to have high rewards too (and it actually does, like incursions that you can do on a war-immune NPC corp character, for example). There should be many different types of gameplay:

  • low risk, low reward
  • low risk, high reward
  • high risk, low reward
  • high risk, high reward

And players should be able to choose between them as they wish. We’re playing a sandbox game, after all, and players should be able to decide how they play.

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This forum has like 10 active people, what are you talking about?

The only true thing you have said today!

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Or live in systems not close to where the Trig took systems, or shoot EDENCOM if you like those systems that have trig in them. You actually don’t have to go to Pochven to be “safe”.

High sec is being segregated, instanced, divided up at the peril of people who live there. On one hand you have the gankers, the other there is Trig which may or may not be trivial to deal with, you dont know how people feel about going in to low or null for that one NPC kill. They may not find it as easy or pleasant as you do. Last but not least there is Havoc now as well. Anyway… It is what it is

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Now we can talk calmly. I have 16 (?) yrs experience. Others here, even more. Please look into their advice as they are more versed with what you’re dealing with than I am. Best of luck and fly safe!

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High sec used to mean something. When?

Edit; See what happens when you offer an olive branch. Thats how this toon got fuzzy, trying to help new players. It’s just not worth trying to teach those who refuse to learn.


If someone does not want to do that, I would suggest that they then move to a different part of High sec where they don’t have to worry about it.

I must be in a different hi sec than you. Just today I jumped 2 different guys through 57 systems to move a DST and a marauder between Jita and a terrible WH exit. Neither of whom have positive trig standings. I encountered 0 gankers, 0 trig systems, 1 havoc system that didn’t affect me at all. Turns out that it’s all very manageable.