Remove triglavians fleets from high sec or let us get easy way to get possitive standiog

You cant be like “it only takes 5 seconds to avoid it” and “this is content for everyone”

Can’t ? No such word in EvE.

No doubt. Next thing they are going to do is allow players to warp scram and even use bubbles in high sec without CONCORD caring

Yeah !! No doubt !!! CCPlease !!!

Wouldn’t it be fun to hire npc’s, like trigs and drifters, to find players and try to shoot them ? Great isk sink for ccp too. LOL.

I would give my kill rights to CONCORD for free i think


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Nope…they don’t warp scram and destroy my ship. And as I see no sign of activity in your account in 7 years, they clearly don’t warp and scram yours either.

Oh…it’s the eponymous ‘They’ again…lol.

they don’t warp scram and destroy my ship.

They will warp scram and destroy anyone by default and they are allowed to camp high sec stations and gates to anyone who may not know.

Why don’t they warp scram and destroy you? Dont you like it?

That :point_up_2:

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This kind of gamedesign is akin to when you dock up in a station, theres a percentage risk your ship blows up. It’s just bad. There are no upsides.

Well the upside is that you have to actually figure out how to interact with a dangerous universe and engage with it, for about 20 minutes until you can completely ignore it again if you want. It’s nothing like “your ship can just blow up” because it is completely and permanently fixable in mere minutes with almost no effort. And thousands of players have interacted with trigs and pochven for years so I would say that it’s overall been a great addition to the game.


Trig NPCs add risk without reward and this can only drive players away unless they are psychopaths

Only the players who are too lazy to kill ONE drone. Does EvE Online need that sort of players?
As for reward, the fun EvE provides is reward of its own. Maybe it’s because I spent more time playing single-player games where the reward is playing the game but I don’t get this obsession with rewards. We’re not school children… I mean some of us aren’t.


If its so easy to bypass why is it a thing in the first place

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Players clamored for more content. CCP came up with the Trigs in response. They went through all the trouble of creating a new faction with ships and ammo and all that… I think they did good. Enough whining on stuff that is content for everyone.
I want to read whining on CONCORD and why we don’t have a functioning Bounty System yet.

We are not discussing the then new ships and ammo which some people seem to like. We are discussing triglavians shooting people in high sec even if they are neutral which nobody seems to like.

The people asking for PVE content like it. Heck, I like being hostile to EDENCOM as my character hates CONCORD and most of the Empires. Besides, Trig are the invaders and by default assume players will be against them until proven otherwise. Would you rather EDENCOM shoot neutrals instead /s? PVE content tends to require lore and mechanics that makes sense.

Icelandic folk don’t believe in hand holding when it comes to safety. Take responsibility of your own well being and don’t rely on guard rails or safety officers stop you from putting your stuff at risk.


Hi sec does not mean you are safe from PVE. You know how I know that? Because CCP designed it that way. Trigs can kill you. Diamond rats can kill you. Players die to normal rats in hi sec all the time. You just have to deal with it, a little bit. It’s the universe you chose to play in.

EVE would’ve sold much better if NPCs didn’t attack players.

People who live in high sec have chosen to do so in exchange for convenience and lower risk but also less reward. So it balances out. Everyone seems happy until CCP decided that high sec is not risky enough. :man_facepalming: