I’m trying to get SSO working for me .NET MVC web application.
The action I’m trying to code is like this:
public IActionResult Auth(string access_token, string token_type, int expires_in)
The problem is, CCP returns the following:
https://localhost:5001/auth/#access_token=1|CfDJ8H …
As you can see, it’s using a # instead of a ? in the query string and my Action doesn’t pick up the query parameters because of it.
Is there anyway to fix this?
IIRC its a url fragment because you’re doing the implicit flow, which is meant for client side usage, i.e. JS.
Using a server you should probably do the full SSO flow, check out the docs for more information.
My bad,
I had the resposne_type set to token instead of code … changing it to code works perfectly … although the response is now ?code=… rather than access_token etc…
Read the docs I linked. It explains how the SSO flow works.
October 28, 2019, 12:29am
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