[RESOLVED] Tranquility Emergency Restart - 2020/06/10

Now I can see the ship in my assets but not in the station hangar … LOL

This stuff happens man, you’ll get your stuff back

Everything has returned to the normal levels and Pilots can safely continue their adventure. If you have lost a ship due to the emergency restart, please reach out to our heroes from the customer support department who will be able to assist you with a reimbursement.

We are going to continue monitoring the situation. Please do let us know if you are experiencing any further issues. Thank you o7

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I was in a Prospect… I will just file a Titan for the reimbursement… who knows :stuck_out_tongue:

Your prosepects aren’t good. cough


having an issue duel logging, it wont let me switch from account to account via taskbar…is this related or should I open a ticket?

Try restarting your launcher?

have tried that, and rebooting comp…its just annoying…i can still play eve…but have to keep the screens offset…I need my other monitor…haha

its working now, had to be lag or something…thanks for advice!

You don’t seem to have the right keys for the ship’s ignition switch. Perhaps you left them in your other jacket?

This Game is in constant flux, its always changing and with that change comes unexpected challenges. I think it’s incredible that CCP has kept a almost 2 decade old game alive, healthy, and fresh, oh yeah and absolutely beautiful. Not many game Devs can do that or care enough to put the effort in. The state of Eve is a matter of opinion and you are entitled to yours, however CCP deserves credit for creating and maintaining an absolutely incredible game.

Thank you for all your hard work CCP!!


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@CCP_Dopamine - Thanks for your quick response and updates…but - any future issues please @CCP_Aurora make quick video segments about it instead, ok? No offense intended, Dopamine, but, well… :slight_smile:


Edited because Magnus Carta felt that following CCP’s direction telling folks “if you had losses, file a ticket” is a waste of their time.

Oh, my post wasn’t about the loss, it was how the loss was handled. They have since fixed the handling of that ticket, so, Thanks CCP!

Did you seriously create a ticket for some lost drones, wasting GM time for dumb ■■■■ like that?

He was using a full flight of Harvester drones from his Guardian-Vexor.


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