
Then you should have been smart enough to know not to use Del’Thul! Dammit, Kernher, think.

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“You didn’t do wrong because you attacked the Shitpail, it was because…”

shuffles deck, pulls card

“… you used skilled and experienced help for it.”


Warnings only work if you have the capability to follow through with them. No matter how extensive Mizhara’s little ‘network’ may be, they certainly cannot contend with the Uhlans in a protracted war, and whatever meager mixed companies of mortals you can muster will not add much to the mix. Now the Uhlans and every other security force with the vaguest desire to protect Chakaid will be on perpetual alert. I really do wish you luck in your conflict, but you are likely not to win should he really desire to press the matter. As powerful as you two think you are, you are nothing compared to the Kingdom should it be given cause to fully back the dog of theirs you just kicked.

Now, allow me to point out the obvious once again. Whomever attacked Kaihu used a weapon not meant to explicitly kill, but to threaten and provoke; to make you feel vulnerable and exploit that feeling for their own ends. Your sister Asiya was hurt not as a specific target, but as a matter of dumb luck that she was near enough to the gas attack epicenter at the time. If someone with Chakaid’s resources and backing wished to do more, everyone related to you in that habitation module could have been dead. Hell, someone could have spaced that entire Rust Quarter, but they kept it tame yet frightening. There’s something to be said about that.

Look to what happened at Lord Admiral Lok’ri’s holdings to see what is really going on, and what you really need to fight this. The Red and Silver Hands. The Order of St. Tetrimon. Planetary and station security forces, real militaries that can protect against these pathetic scare-tactics and provide true peace-of-mind. And then, to end these threats permanently, the instruments of power that can be used against the perpetrators need to be in your hands, not your enemy’s.

Instead, you chose to stab a giant with a needle instead of rallying the literal Amarr armies you were too blind to see in the moment. And make no mistake; that’s what Mizhara is. A single, irritating needle that thinks she can win a fight if she just keeps pricking for long enough. Against some a needle might be all that is needed, but that is all she will ever amount to. The forces in play here are a tad bigger than what she is used to dealing with. Indeed, they are a tad bigger than what she is used to simply comprehending. Her tiny head cannot grasp that she might lose a real war she cannot dictate the terms of. Even if she were a God-fearing, loyal Amarr freed slave like you still try to act like, she’d still be an utter fool for trying this. You are lucky Chakaid is now trying to act like he is taking the high road instead; you’d just best pray the TC sees the truth of the matter despite his manipulations.

“I’ve never judged anyone for their associations, ever.”

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Wow, it must be sad to have to spend so much time trying to convince yourself and others of something simply because you can’t bear to live in a universe where your enemies aren’t somehow morons. Ah well, I guess today is “Single, irritating needle” day because that’s what’s convenient now, and some other day you’ll justify some atrocious behaviour or another with “Miz is the literal Beast and Deceiver” or some crap, like you’ve done when that is convenient. You should pick one and stick with it, or you just keep looking dishonest.

They attacked civilians, and capsuleer baseliner relations. It doesn’t matter what the scale is. It can be a pinprick, it can be the destruction of an entire station, it’s utterly and completely irrelevant. It never matters. It can never be allowed to go unanswered, no matter how inconvenient it is for you. No matter how much you pissants want to cower and piddle yourself in the face of this Khanid shitpail, that simply can not be allowed. There must be a response. To my tastes, the response was far too measured at that.

You’re either a genuine moron, or you’re trying really hard to be disingenuous here. You think anyone involved would make a war out of this? That is the very reason for this strike. He was shown that this is a conflict no one gets out of unscathed. His clone is vulnerable. His bloodline. His clone grunts. He has no means to perpetually stop his potential aggressors. This was a demonstration that if he kept it up… he would pay the price and it would be more than he can afford. It’s that simple.

So, make up your mind here. You think “the Khanid Kingdom” would back their mad dog against a “single, irritating needle”? You kind of have to pick a narrative and stick with it here, because now you’re two-faced in a single post. Which is it? Inconsequential or rousing the entire Kingdom? I know which one I’d bet on.


Yeah, when I do it, people start crying a whole lot over it. I suppose it’s only okay if it’s done to those who don’t participate in popularity contests and hugglefuckery.

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Beast and Deceiver ? That’s ludicrous ! They’re literally polar opposites !

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To Chakaid, at the least. I am sure you are a bit more of a threat to a new pilot trying to hack a few pirate locks in null.

The only credit to the whole escapade was that a military target was struck instead of stooping to the same level. Well done on that, at least.

Yes, actually, for the very reason you cited for your attack: to make an example of you both, as a deterrent. However, I believe you may be right; you two being idiots together for a while ends up helping them in the long-run more. You saw the racial and political attacks he’s now pressing instead of further military ones. Quite smart of him.

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I’m supposed to be sad about him publicly demonstrating your Empire’s moral and ethical failures, as well as how the abuse of slavery is a systemic inevitability in your nation? I mean, I’m sure you prefer to keep it low-key, but I’m not going to mind being blamed for something I’ve got inscribed in my own flesh in scars: Your Empire will never cease abusing my kin, no matter how much you want to pretend.

While I’m sure he benefits quite nicely from it, neither am I going to mind New Eden not getting to close its eyes and pretend everything’s just fine.

Haven’t gotten to a capsuleer clone yet, so this is demonstrably untrue. That I’ve taken on all your finest pilots mostly on equal footings does either imply you’re being disingenuous… or don’t really find them to be any good. I don’t know, which is it?

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You’re right, O mighty pricker of powers that be. I’ll leave you to poke better things than myself.

Don’t be lewd, Aldrith.

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The poet in you loves to dramatize, my lord. “These are super dangerous times, keep your head down or you will suffer!”, or “Oh, this is a problem beyond us, so we must prepare in the shadows! Don’t worry, we’re assembling our forces for the right moment to strike!” (A moment that will never come, because you’re waiting for it instead of creating it). I did that, my lord. I was a slave. I was very good at keeping my head down. I’ve stopped doing that, because I am not afraid anymore. We have power and responsibilities that other people don’t, and we have to accept that.

Yes, I did make a mistake in not keeping my family safe prior to this. But it is not a mistake that will be repeated ever again. And I know it was not meant explicitly to kill. It was a mind altering substance that set people off against each other. My sister got hurt because she got into a brawl with people afflicted by the chemical. From what I understand, most of the deaths are the result of that, too - people killing each other. I absolutely know worse could have been done… so the retribution itself was limited in scope. You and Alizabeth and others have been saying I have not been thinking, but I have been.

I’d also remind you that the Royal Uhlans are mercenaries. The Red and Silver Hands are mercenaries. You know what mercenaries want? Money. And capsuleers have a lot of that. There are dozens of other mercenary groups that would be willing to take the job if we wanted to make this a real, bloody war. Which I don’t. I’m just saying, you’re underestimating our resources.

And that’s assuming that guerilla warfare isn’t enough. You don’t need two big armies meeting face to face on a field of battle to do damage to someone, or to make them feel that the gains are not worth the consequences.

And you think anyone is going to listen to him? A Khanid holder who supported the inclusion of a blooder in the Succession Trials? You think his aims aren’t painfully obvious to everyone else, too? He’s trying to weaken House Ardishapur’s power, which is the only house that can challenge Khanid right now. Do you really think anyone is going to play neatly into his game when everyone knows they need Ardishapur to provide a safeguard against Khanid dominance?

Chakaid is as blunt and transparent as Mizhara and myself. The difference is, he’s actually trying to be clever.


No no, pointy. Pay attention. He went over this.


Wait, I thought you were the pointy thing in that example.

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And you called in Mizhara anyway? Bold move. You must have known what the response was going to be.

Fair in theory, although since the “proper authorities” are not even Amarr, that does mean they would do nothing at all in response to the attack on you. Perhaps in response to the attack on Lok’ri.

When it comes to truly bringing the pain to Chakaid, Shutaq is probably correct that you and Mizhara wouldn’t manage to take on a unified Khanid response on your own.

That said, you wouldn’t have to. You can surely find plenty of capsuleers wiling to bring the pain to the Kingdom. Not all of them would even want to be paid.

It’d get pretty dicey for Chakaid, unless he manages to rally capsuleer support of his own. Hey, maybe PIE will defend him if it comes to it, and nothing had been 100% proven by then. That’d be a hoot.

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I did. Though it was maybe a little harsher than I had expected.

What’s done is done, though.

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The next time we meet, you must tell me why. I’m extremely curious.

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Lord Consort Fleet Captain Shutaq-Newelle,

Perhaps, for the benefit of the rest of the faithful, you would be so kind as to elucidate these “manipulations.” Is it the official, public PIE stance that Sa-Baron Alar Chakaid is engaging in deception? What is the nature of such deception? Upon what basis are these accusations of deception levied? Will PIE be issuing its own petition to the Theology Council or request Sa-Baron Alar Chakaid submit to Ministry of Internal Order interviews? It seems self-evident that PIE or at least the upper echelons of its command have accumulated some form of evidence that is not readily available to the rest of the faithful.

I ask for those of us who wish to offer only the most accurate prayers to the Lord in rendering His ultimate decision through the Theology Council.

By His Light and His will,
Lord Reginald Sakakibara,
Lord Adjutant, Cerra Holding, Huola VII

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Reminder: Increase fee to account for difficulties in dealing with upgraded security.

Real militaries which allow Blood Raiders and Sansha to run rampant? I think not. Besides these Red and White Hands might actually be a challenge for the Black Hand.

That still does not stop him from a headshot he deserves. He has his date though, once the funds clear. smirks

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Who says they’d be on their own?

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