Would also be cool if you responded to evemails and maybe even offered counter prices. I have a feeling you’ve missed out on some great prices for these by not communicating that well.
Hey Dart,
I went over the asking price on my offer:
Astarte - 265
Ion Blaster Cannon - 105
Null L - 90
Can you at least update the OP with highest bids or let me (us) know what you want?
up up
lol you’re not very good at this selling thing are you?
I’m not sure you understand how small of a fish you are in this big pond
no problem
I’m not particularly interested if you don’t like it, don’t write
Am I good enough?
fly safe
lol you guys all just got baited so hard on this price check post
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I’d say you’re probably right lol
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What a joke lol
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