
make your offer

1.astarte 9/10 start price 275bil
2.quake s 10/20 start price 55bil
3.quake m 10/20 start price 65bil
4.quale l 10/20 start price75bil
5.null l 10/20 start price 85bil
6.ion blaster cannon II start Price 100bil


Price on Astarte?

Offer: 350bil

Ion Blaster Cannon II

Quake set: 180bil

2.quake s 10/20 start price 55bil
3.quake m 10/20 start price 65bil

ill give you start price of 120

57bil on Quake S

In game mail sent.

600bil for everything.



Ion Blaster Cannon II


Hey Dart,

Could you eve mail me your buyouts for all?

75bil for Null L

58b, 68b, for Quake S and Quake M, respectively.


59bil on Quake S

Mail sent


Ion Blaster Cannon
Null L

Quake L 75bil

@Dart_Lady Could you share what is the status of this auction? Is it still ongoing? Which items are available? Is there any end date?

when the desired amount is met
it doesn’t take time
otherwise, you didn’t even reach the asking price
I’m not in a hurry to sell

You should either post an end date or a buyout price. Otherwise, someone who might have been willing to pay more will simply miss the arbitrary time when you decide that your price has been met, or you will spend a long time waiting for a buyout price which someone may have been willing to pay instantly.

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