Return my private cabin

I have no need, the walking part itself isn’t of any value, its what you can DO while walking, walking doesn’t add anything to EVE it slows the whole process down, why are people going to want to spend 5 minutes doing a task that takes 30 seconds now? :stuck_out_tongue:

So name a feature your “game” has that actually DOES something other than walking and opening inventory elements

It was never about walking. It was about those other things. SC makes it. CCP never did.

Seriously just watch their Citizencon videos.

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What is wrong with people liking what they like to do, many people will say you are wasting your time playing video games all day and should do something usefull with your life, what are they to judge :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Right but you haven’t said what other things apart from inventory management that SC actually does, walking doesn’t add anything

because here it wastes development time on a feature minimal people will use and doesn’t make them money, its a feature that has to be tested every update and constantly updated/fixed, it doesn’t serve a purpose

what doesn’t serve a purpose for you doesn’t apply to everyone, playing video games all day isn’t either


Sadly in this case it applies to the majority, so spending development and QA time on a feature that does not add anything to gameplay or streamline a feature isn’t going to happen, WiS added nothing and didn’t serve to streamline anything, nobody has demonstrated how having it would have actually improved the game, because adding features just for the sake of features doesn’t help at all

It’s a fallacy that you can / should only have things in games that the majority like.

I can name dozens of games that have features that only some of the playerbase like / partake in.

Many people show an interest in WiS / CQ in Rookie Help on an almost daily basis. Whenever the subject is raised at least a dozen people say they either want it back or lament that they were too late to the game to ever use it. It is a far more popular concept than the anti - WiS / CQ crowd are prepared to admit.

Case in point, the existence of this thread (and it is not the first).

Do we need sunglasses, shoes and hats? Do they improve the game? Do we need SKINs for ships? Such things are not needed nor do they need to be, they are there for the people who like superficial vanity things, like being able to see your character walk around wearing the aforementioned sunglasses, shoes and hats, while your ship hangs there in the background with the aforementioned SKINs on.

This is like asking someone to demonstrate that the colour blue is better than the colour red, when it is only so to that person because of personal preference. What people like is what people like, it doesn’t need to be proven to be game changing.

Even if we do take this as true, and again, it’s highly subjective, and we accept that it was a steaming pile of useless cack, it was only ever so because CCP made it that way. To imply that it never could have been anything but that is nonsense, as we will never know, because it was left to collapse and die.


Well sadly when you have limited resources you have to keep what you need to the minimum, every barely used feature you add eats up QA and testing time that could be spent making sure a major bug in some other very used system doesn’t make it through, especially when said feature doens’t add anything, everything has a cost

Wow a whole dozen people, although small problem, how do the rookies even know it existed in the first place they wouldn’t have been around to use it so how can they lament something they never had? i’ve not met a single person in my entire EVE career that ever showed any signs of missing WiS, infact the general consensus was “about ime it was removed” at the end of the day the feature is rightfully dead and was only added to EVE because they wanted to make the world of darkness MMO and needed somewhere to test the tech, with the death of the WoD project all hopes of having WiS died with it, good riddence

‘almost daily’ - that part was important. Obviously not the same dozen people (thought I better add that, seems I need to set the bar low).

… because they ask if it is something they can do, then ask why not, then say that’s a shame, they would have liked it / want to be able to do it, then ask what the point in all the clothing is, etc etc etc.

Do you want screenshots? :roll_eyes:

Not a fan of the way you play dumb in order to avoid seriously considering another persons perspective / make them explain in painful detail what should be pretty easy to understand statements.

Oh but wait! (plays dumb) Why would people show signs of missing WiS in your entire EVE career when they only removed it a few weeks ago?

See what I did there? :wink:

More seriously, this is nothing more than a reflection of the people you fraternize with.

I didn’t have high hopes of you doing anything other than going the ‘blue is better than red’ route and that is indeed all you have done. Not going to argue with you over personal preferences. Your failure to grasp the concept that others may like things that you do not makes talking to you about it pointless.

Because unlike your example they were actually around to experience it :wink:

In your example its just a case of “no you can’t” its a simple answer to a simple question, at the end of the day its not coming back and it added nothing, WiS is dead



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> The point

As long as Eve continues to make the game:
a) A mouse click combat and not joystick game; and
b) A game where your char is basically the ship you’re flying through space in at the time
it won’t ever appeal to the broad base of players that CCP obviously wants, and apparently needs. There just aren’t that many patient/high IQ/specialized eccentric people out there. Think about it: How long do you spend test driving a new game, before deciding you’d rather go back to what you usually do?

Only gotta send 1.6B isk to me and il send you a real (small) sized version of it and il even throw in a working TV and a Little Dust 514 model to put on the table :^)

I didn’t read the whole thread, but as a very new player, I went just in time to see the end of CQ. I can confirm that the default view was hangar view and that I had to clic every time to go in CQ.

Also I liked CQ


Not the just the 4 race stations, there dozens of different stations. I was wanting to find the pleasure hub stations.

They didn’t included the enter the cq button in citadels because they wanted to remove the CQ at this time already. It was a very convenient way to reduce its usage and taking that as an excuse for removing it.

The accounts and characters I created during the last year always started with a tutorial in space. When they docked for the first time on a station, the default view was always the hangar.
I think five years ago when I started with Eve that was indeed different, I’m not sure about that, but at the time where CCPs official statistic of it’s usage comes from, the default view for a new player was the hangar.

It would be very interesting to see the cq’s usage before the introduction of citadels to compare it with the numbers of the dev blog from last summer. Here we could see the true number of people using it. But I doubt CCP would give us that - for good reason.

Congratulation, now you have.

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I had a cabin? Oo

Yes it was defaulted back right near the point it was removed to prevent nay issues with clients getting stuck etc has the graphs etc

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