Why - Deklein/Branch? - i lived there in time of Goons, Darkness, Horde and so on, feel comfortable there, lovely maze.
Who - 2 accounts, both lowskilled 15-20mil sp
Goal - get isk to sit in cap(i know how-to, was owner of few in past)
What can i offer - participation in any kind of pvp where i can be usefull, as i said i cant caps atm, i also hate Munnins)
Esi or how it is called nowdays - ok, i have nothing to hide, but if i want to - youll never find.
Honest goals - find tight group to roam on dreads/drop them and die fast. I dont care about killboard, i got good in past, not needed anymore, chars was sold on official forums long time ago, isk lost in SomerBlink/Iwantisk ))