Returning after 5 years away, maybe I will finally find where I fit

Havnt played since 2019. I have two character one is indy focused with 23mil so the other is new but is pve pvp focused.

Thing is ive always sucked at pvp. Hard time trying to learn it myself.

Im look for a corp that is well established that is willing to teach an old/new guy. Im 40 years old so looking for a no drama chill semi mature corp that understands life has to come first sometimes.

Would really love to learn how to be an effective part of a large fleet. And if the changes happen in nullsec with all the big boys resetting would really love to get in that action.

Check out primal instinct: Join Primal Instinct! (PvX; Null; Mining; Indy) [Init]

Welcome back o7 Have a look at our topic to see if this sounds good to you.

Welcome back Guy!

What sort of Industry and PVE stuff do you like you do? I’m currently flying with Legion Ascending, like you I’m a 40yr old player and have found this group to be very chill. There is a mixture of ages within the corp some older some a bit younger.

Currently the corp membership is coming back from the summer hiatus. We are looking to grow our numbers again. The smell of war is in the air and great opportunities to get those war forges of industry stoked up, and alliance level fleets to break up the time while spending all that smeagol’d ISK.

Come check out the discord, say Hi in the general chat. Lets talk about what you want from the game and see if we could a good fit for you.

[US/EU TZ] Legion Ascending is Recruiting! - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums

We are small and effective. Come have a look and say hello.

You should come check us out: Militant Industrialists

SLOW has been a good fit for a lot of people that have been looking for a while

Hey mate welcome back,

We are THAT Corp… check out our advert and website below and come talk to us on our Running with Dogs Discord Community Server

Running for 10 years and we specialise in getting returning and rusty vets back up to speed :rocket: :100:

I look forward to talking with you o7

hi there m8 and welcome back

just make sure to check us out below


Hi , Drama Llamas might be a option for you, we are a small corp living in 0.0 that treats EVE as a game. Check out our recruitment post here : or pop into our recruitment channel in game “Llama Skool” and have a chat to see if we would be a good fit for you.