Returning player LFC

Amarr based pilot with 22m SP coming back after long hiatus and looking for a chill corporation to join. I spend most of my time lately exploring wormholes and running missions, but would love to get into some of the faction warfare.

I’m not looking to join a mega-corp that expects me to run ops every day, but one that has a solid in-game and discord presence would be ideal.


Check us out!

Nakito Banner 4

Come join us at The Order of Omerta we do fw, pvp, pve and indy. For a great group of guys and we love to hang on coms and joke around while playing eve. Lots of knowledge here you can lean on.
The Order of Omerta stop by and chat

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check us out, you’d fit in great

Hey daemonical!

-RUDE is recruiting atm! We are mostly a PvP corp that is based out of Pochven and we do everything from PvP-focused OBS Fleets to finance our ships and I have also recently started an interrest group for Nanogangs.

We pretty much have daily fleets so there is always content around, but noone is required to join any of those if you don’t have time for don’t like the content.

Also, we are more of a tight-knit corp, that doesn’t have so many people that you can’t tell the faces apart anymore

Anyway if you have any questions you can feel free to join our discord under this link:

You can DM me or JustThatLuka ones there, we hope to see you around!


Hey buddy come check us out at The Order of Omerta. We’re a smaller group with a great community that likes to have fun in eve. We’re into fw, pvp, pve, and indy with tons of other returning players like yourself.

Only thing we require is auth and to be in coms because we want to make friends not collect background characters.

If interested come by and we’ll chat The Order of Omerta

Thanks for all the replies. After discovering that joining a Corp usually means spending hundreds of millions to buy doctrine ships before they’ll even consider flying with you, I’ve decided to continue the solo route. I just want to enjoy the game, not get wrapped up in a ton of politics.

You don’t need a bunch of ships with us at Omerta. We do fw so basic frigs are what’s used half the time

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Not sure if we would be too casual as we let our members play as they want. We do have a very active online and discord team though. Our thread for more info is - ⛏ High Sec Mining Corporation - Seeking Miners and Industry Pilots - Spice Mining Defenders Corporation


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