Returning player - Looking for Missons and Industry

I’ve been away for about ten years and I’m back!

Started playing in 2005.

I have experience as an industrialist, miner, and doing some PVE though I’m definitely rusty. Used to work with corps that did large scale ammunition manufacturing (back when that was more viable) and I served as a diplomatic liaison for some time.

Would ideally like to find a corp that does mission running and some industrial/mining work centered in the Devoid region. SRP would be a big bonus but not mandatory. I’m not really interested in PVP/piracy or getting into big wars. I do have a collection of lower tier BPOs.

US West Coast based, would prefer compatible time zone and flexibility with online hours - I have a life outside of EVE. Voice chat via Discord or something similar would also be a big plus.

Would overwhelmingly prefer a corp with people in it who are queer/trans/women - basically anything to show you’re not a pack of dudebros.

Feel free to ask anything else.

I’m not in that region, but I hope you find what you’re looking for.
If you find yourself in Gallente High Sec, KamDron Union Engineering happy to have you if you need a home.

i think we got a great spot for you. check us out if you want

Welcome bsck bud am looking for vets to join my corp we live in null was fighting the war in detorid am looking for good pvp members because we will be going back to war every soon as it will be kicking off again. So if you fancy some working with the alliance indy side in building stuff for use to help fighting in the war come and join our discord and have a chat