Hello Mwfoster, welcome back to New Eden! Any interest in seeing how the finale to the TRIGLAVIAN INVASION plays out? If a mix of small gang PvP with some lucrative PvE sounds interesting, I’ve got a great opportunity for you.
Join the Stribog Kybernaut Subclade
ム Fight for the Triglavian Collective
ム Fly with experienced FCs
ム Destroy your foes in epic fleet combat
ム Join daily PvE and PvP fleets
ム NewBro Training for PvE and PvP
The Stribog Kybernaut Subclade is recruiting members of all skill levels and vocations, in all three time zones. We provide training and opportunity for both PvP and PvE content, easy ISK making opportunities in systems controlled by the Triglavian Collective, and run active mining and site running fleets. It’s a great community with a large number of experienced FCs and dedicated players.
If you are interested in joining, apply in-game and join the Discord: https://discord.gg/3Dzce4y
If you aren’t looking to join a corporation at this time, you can always join the in-game channel “The Triglavian Community”. We run daily public fleets in the invasion systems and have a very large and active public discord.
Hope to fly with you in The Domain of Bujan