Returning Player's Opinion: HyperNet Disappointment

I was aiming at statistics fallacies, but sure, it’s a basic requirement to understand math.

One curious example that happened to me: I was modeling some CoC model for personal reasons and decided to simulate pushing rolls, the simulation proved that pushing a roll raises the chance of success in ~20%.

Statistics and subjectivity are not good allies.

Statistically, half of all people have below-average knowledge of statistics.

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Half of the people have below-median knowledge of statistics.

The amount of people with below-average knowledge of statistics is likely higher than that if we assume that few people have a lot of knowledge of statistics and most people very little.

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Let’s be honest. You don’t need to be some math prodigy with a spreadsheet fetish, basic level common sense is enough.

It’s not that people are bad at math, it’s that they are stupid in general.


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