Returning UKTZ Pilot seeking mature players

Good evening :slight_smile:

First off, welcome back! I got my bum back abit over a year ago and been stuck since… mostly cause I took the chance to join a smaller corp, just what you are looking for now. Best choice I ever done in EVE imo.

Anyways, I see you are aiming for HS / LS and in future go to NS… I still want to take the oppertunity to atleast invite for a chat/invite to UMAH.
We are a RL corp prio since most of us are abit older with familys, work and other commitments, we play EVE to enjoy it and not to have it as our duty. (also my kids wont like me being infront of the computer all the time… nor missus).

Short words:
We are out in NPC nullsec, we have a pretty “all covering” structure network to be used (alliance structures mainly), moon mining, industry, small pvp encounters, gate camps and such.
Looking for growth, and find ppl who appriciate to actually “bond” abit, be friendly, help out the newcomers, throw around ideas what we can come up with or try as a next step. Most important is that you match well and are non-toxic. Skillpoints and how well experienced in EVE you are is of lesser value even tho it’s appriciated you know the basics.

If you are even slightly intrested, join the UMAH_Pub, lets chat there or you will find my discord details there aswell.
Also if you wanna know more “facts”, go to UMAH Recruitment thread and have a read of your corp/ally.

Hope to see you around :smiley: