💥 (RO/EU/UK/USTZ) Viper-Squad - Triumvirate. - PVP&Nullsec life!

Viper-Squad Corporation is a 2006 born, veteran PVP oriented corporation within Triumvirate. Alliance. There is a better way to play the game with us, and let’s back up that claim with the PVP performance and quality alliance culture that proves it.

TRI states that whenever EVE’s player history is told, TRI will be in the thick of the action, moving events forward. Whether we are being shot at, or shooting others, TRI provides fun end-game PVP for numerous players in and out of our alliance. This is why we exist, and its why many of us are still playing after all these years.

Viper-Squad is a tight knit group of eve online assorted players, across eu/uk and us timezones.With more than a decade of presence ingame, our goal is to create a core of active, self-sufficient and likeminded players.We value and embrace PVP in all forms and we enjoy the small scale of the game.

We are not the common huge corporation within a large alliance or a nullsec block, in where you just get swallowed by the mass of it and you become just a tool.

A PVP first corporation that offers many lucrative opportunities and support to achieve our goals.Veteran and experienced leadership, willing to help and guide, for the greater good of the group!

We are looking for others like us! Be you a returning or an active pilot that is looking for a more active group to get along with, you feel frustrated about beeing just a face in the crowd, or you are just looking for a change, stop by for a chat!!


  • Active members across eu/uk and us timezones
  • Assorted fleet warfare comps and content
  • SRP
  • Group activities
  • A professional, family-like alliance culture with no drama or toxic egos getting in the way.
  • Same nullsec quality of life as other groups ( ez isk makeing ), but we uniquely offer a better PVP content-first culture ( aggresive pvp deployments and campaigns, home defenses and escalations )
  • Jump Freight services to get you setteled asap.


  • English speaking with a working microphone
  • Omega, active and competent pilot with a decent combat background
  • Willingness to train and get into our doctrines.We run alot of T3s/Command ships.Logi bros are def the most loved.
  • Capital alts are not mandatory, but eventually owning one will make you experience the shakes that come from capital battles.

Our recruitment process involves a voice interview.

Please dare to have a chat with us if anything of the above might be something suited for yourself.

If anything of the above might get your interest, reach me out ingame under this name or poke me on discord.

We are continously recruiting eutz players.

Still recruiting eutz pvp oriented pilots!

Reach us if anything from the above can be something suitable for you.


Our corporation is looking for like minded players.

Preferably eutz, so you won’t have to sit alone in chats at times.

If you are looking to try a no blocks kind of group, come have a chat with us.


Among broken chats, broken killboard, broken eve and all that, we are still recruiting :v:

Have a Stain taste, it’s not that bad afterall!

Recruiting eutz pvp oriented pilots, with a previous 0.0 experience!


ocsta#5391 for discord - ocsta ingame character.

Recruiting for Stain region, Sansha space.

Recruiting eutz pilots !

We are looking for eu timezoned pvp/pve oriented pilots.

We are based in Stain region - npc null - sansha pirates space.

ocsta#5391 for discord or anything related.

Bumping this, great guys, fun content!


Still recruiting for the post above.

Recruitment open for eutz pilots alike.

Recruitment still open for eutz pvp oriented pilots.

Recruitment open.

Recruiting eu timezone pvp oriented players for npc null sec life!

Recruiting eu timezone pvp oriented players for npc null sec life!