Returning player, 85M SP, LF a Low-Sec, Null-Sec aggressive group

Title says it

About me, 4 main characters I use
Main - This one obviously, mainly subcaps and BLOPS/Dread
2nd - FAX/Dread/Carrier/BLOPS and overall subcap toon, basically can be an extra main toon
3rd - Carrier/Logistics/Drone boat toon
4th - Titan/Dread focus, also now Battleship capable (BLOPS)

All the other characters off the 4 main toons are either dictor or HIC alts for hotdrops and being a menace.

Actually coming back to the game this time after some years away, I don’t want to be with a group who has half this game blued up. Seriously, get out and have some fun, jumping 40 gates to maybe find content is beyond lame. Smaller groups/Alliances are by far the way to go.

Hit me up, let’s see who’s out there still.

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Come and have a talk with us at Sl0w children at play. We have are own sov space and part of a great coalition that has a lot of content. No bs drama here, do what you want when you want. No commitments. And RL always comes first.

Hi Gaz,

Noticed you’re an ex trif bro and you are most likely used to our kind of game play.We’ve also been away for awhile but we are slowly catching up and we are looking for other quality players.If anything from above might seem suited for you give me a shout:



I can offer aggressive. Have a look at our post + zkill. Might be just what you are looking for :slight_smile:

Hi Gazz check us out. We are a low-sec pirate Alliance.

Welcome bsck bud am looking for vets to join my corp we live in null and would love you to join the ranks we have plenty of pew pew as my own alliance is fighting in the war out in detorid system so good fun. If your interested in being part of this… jump on our discord and have a chat

Hey dude, in all honesty WEF is in a rebuilding cycle but we’re gunning to return to previous levels of glory. Now is a great time to get in and build with us to ensure you can help direct the overall nature of the corp’s goals. Previously, we were the largest, most active group in Frat and are now with NC, which is a team that will definitely not disappoint when it comes to organization and activity. You’ll have access to many different fleets 24/7 and I will guarantee you opportunities to set the pace on ■■■■ you want to do. Still RL first and a gaming community brotherhood of friends that last.

Hope to see you soon!

Check out Primal Instinct: Join Primal Instinct! (PvX; Null; Mining; Indy) [Init]

If you are still looking check us out… We live on the front line of everything and with very very few blues.

RUNNING WITH DOGS is a null sec born and bred PvP Corp with a strong backbone and an independent spirit.


Running with Dogs was born and forged in null sec, a decade ago, by a group of players from Nexus Fleet one of the original members of the N3 Coalition.

Our roots lie in the relentless battles and strategic plays that define life in null sec. From the very beginning, we specialized in recruiting new to EVE players, fostering a culture of learning and development that remains at our core today. Along with a legacy of aggressive and pro-active PvP.

Running with Dogs has always punched above its weight and we know how to have fun at the same time. We have never enjoyed sitting back and waiting to see what happens. We have joined Triumvirate. as they align completely with out outlook and attitude - “We don’t passively sit around waiting for others to make the first move: combat deployments, black ops hunting, roams, gate camps–we stay busy having fun.”

Our Corp is also looking forward to the opportunities Equinox will bring for collaborating on industry production, and running end-game PVE activities. And, of course, the PvP that Equinox promises to bring.

Despite our dedication to the game, we recognize the importance of real-life commitments. Many of our members now balance their EVE adventures with family responsibilities, including children. We maintain a community Discord server where we hang out, build friendships, and stay connected with the latest happenings in the game. This relaxed and supportive environment ensures that our members can enjoy EVE without sacrificing their real-life priorities.

A decade of experience and history, active leadership and we’re dedicated to building an active community of eve pilots around our existing close knit team of Eve vets.

Our prime time zone is currently EU/UK but we have a growing USTZ.


:dog: Come talk to us on our Running with Dogs Discord Community Server to find out more and ask any questions you may have

Our requirements:
:white_check_mark: PvP focused minimum 10mill SP (we have an Academy if you need help)
:white_check_mark: Be willing to work towards 2 or more PvP accounts
:white_check_mark: Fly command ships, T2, T3 cruisers, and faction battleships with capital support
:white_check_mark: Be open to refining your combat and FC skills as you take on new roles and learn from each other

What we offer
:100: An Independent, minimal blues life style with plenty of targets
:100: SRP at Alliance and Corp level
:100: Subsidised Dreads
:100: Active and friendly Corp in and out of game on our discord server
:100: Veteran players who are happy to share their knowledge and skills so we all grow
:100: A culture of trust, cooperation, strong teamwork and communication

:mortar_board: Training Academy:
New to EVE or PvP? Our Training Academy is your launchpad to greatness. Train hard, graduate, and join the main Corp in null sec!

If you are interested come and talk to us and put an application in on our Corp Auth >

This is our history > now come join us to help us create our future!

grrka smaller

Gazzz, hello

No.Mercy corporation leads Triumvirate [TRI] alliance and is actively recruiting combat pilots who enjoy challenging fleet fights and PVP conflict while living independently in low and nullsec. Our corporation is active in both EU and US time zones, consisting of veteran players from around the world.

We don’t passively sit around waiting for others to make the first move: combat deployments, black ops hunting, roams, gate camps–we stay busy having fun.

Now is your chance to join and make your own mark on EVE with us!

Garst Tyrell [DISCORD ID: garsttyrell ]
Lutar Torax [DISCORD ID: lutartorax ] EU TZ
Sir Beto [DISCORD ID: bet0lino ] EU TZ
VisionCloud [DISCORD ID: visioncloud ] US TZ
The CloudyOne [DISCORD ID: cloudyone ] US TZ
Concealed [DISCORD ID: wolfmannc ] US TZ

Please join the “No.Mercy Pub” channel in game and speak to our recruiters today!


  • Active, engaged membership across EU and US time zones
  • Veteran FCs aggressively creating objective-based fleet fights and other PVP fun
  • An Independent, minimal blues life style with plenty of targets
  • Fly command ships, t2, t3 cruisers, and faction battleships with capital support
  • Refine your combat and FC skills as you take on new roles and learn from each other


  • Active players committed to helping the corp and alliance succeed
  • Experienced pilots with an established PVP record on zKillboard
  • 2 or more PVP focused accounts, with capital capable alts preferred
  • English is the official language of our corporation

Looking for a corp? Consider joining Replicatorz. We are a small tightnit pvp corp located in stain under SLOW1

Currently recruiting PVP pilots across AU/US Timezones.

What We Offer:

  • Active pilots in all time zones
  • Small Gang
  • Blops
  • PvE (Officer rats, relic, l4 pirate missions, SOV)
  • Mining (R64 and A0 ore)
  • Industry (PI, Gas, Ore, Ice)

what we require

  • 20 mil sp but newer pilots welcome on trial basis.
  • A working Microphone
  • 18+ years or older

discord link Replicatorz

Am looking for vets to join my corp we live in null we are a chilled corp and play for fun. RL comes first if you fancy a chat jump on my alliance discord…

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