Scourge of the Alpha strike Gankers

If miners know it themselves, then it isn’t a self-declared status by gankers?

It’s afforded them by the lazy, incompetent players that choose to be passive and then cry victim when they get killed.

im sure i have asked this before but can we have examples of these gankers tears , we have many websites full of miners tears . So could you post some of the gankers tears somewhere so we can laugh at them :slight_smile:


Giving yourself away again :smiley:

Who needs examples ? The very nature of gankers is such that they’ll be producing more salt than you can find in the whole of Salar de Uyuni if their ‘lion’ status gets demeaned.

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Who needs examples when you can just close your eyes and “imagine”?


Whenever you mention that term it reminds me of this…

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Sigh. I knew you couldn’t keep up the facade or the quality. Kinda disappointing.

Getting a kill right activated on you gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside


Is that from the explosion of their ship?

that link says JK, pulling concord is allowed

Yes, the silly decision was reverted after I had posted the link.

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Yes remember people of you get killed by Alpha strike Gankers sitting at a gate please send us the kill right and maybe a little note to me with a little info , say a zkill link .

Ive been lurking in a Arazu trying to snag the hauler looting the wrecks. Recently they tried to dunk my empty dst. Its so out of control now.

LOL ok bud.

Out of control? They saw a DST and took a risk ROFL.

Well they know what your upto, and they see it as their loot

Didn’t catch that email address.

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Please keep kill rights coming , it’s a very effective way to remove these criminals.

If you need info please ask in-game only .

Didn’t you quit the forum?

That was short lived. A bit like anti-ganker success :wink:


Wow. Guess you really do need the attention huh? :smiley:

Apparently not. They just like to make dramatic posts for attention :smiley:

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