Selling Titan BPO's and a Mimir

New post to keep it clean since most BPO’s now sold (Original Post)

:boom:Mimir :boom: - Special Edition Heavy Assault Cruiser release in 2009
None have ever been lost - Open to reasonable offers.

Titan BPO’s take 1.5 years to get to ME9 and costs billions, but will entertain reasonable offers

Ragnarok Blueprint ME9 TE14 67.5b
Ragnarok Blueprint ME9 TE14 67.5b
Ragnarok Blueprint ME9 TE14 67.5b SOLD
Ragnarok Blueprint ME9 TE14 67.5b SOLD
Leviathan Blueprint ME9 TE14 70b SOLD
Leviathan Blueprint ME9 TE14 70b SOLD
Erebus Blueprint ME9 TE10 72b SOLD
Avatar Blueprint ME9 TE14 73b SOLD
Avatar Blueprint ME9 TE14 73b SOLD

Cap Parts bundle BPO’s Sold

Fighter BPO’s Sold

Structure Rig BPO’s Sold

Random Pack BPO’s Sold

I’ll take all the fighter prints please

il take noctis,tnx

Just cap components and titans left.

Hey, i sent you a mail ingame

Updated, only Rags and Avatar left, and some cap parts

Up. Will also trade for PLEX.

cap parts up on contract as a lot for 10b under NPC price.

Still have one Avatar BPO and 3 Rag BPO’s left.


If anyone buys the 4 titan BPO’s will donate 20k PLEX to the PLEX 4 Good also

back up for Sale.

Also have a Mimir to sell, taking offers. No Mimir has ever been lost in Eve.




Offfering 67 bil each for


The Avatar BPO and one Rag is sold, only have 2 Rag BPO’s left, both ME9 TE14

You have Mail :slight_smile:

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