Fantastic post! Surprised you haven’t been visited yet by the copy-pasta “insert generic recruiting post” recruiting brigade. Here’s my take and how my organization fits with your criteria.
We have a fair bit of pilots like this (including me). Not an issue for us at all, RL > Eve always. All we ask for is that when the mood strikes… and the time is right… that you be down for some lowsec (and 0.0) enforcement pewing!
Gotta be honest… this may not describe us exactly. Oh the laid back part is spot on… but competent? Pfft, can’t even spell it!
We have an entire REGION (and a 1/2) for ratting. Oh and we sometimes take the neighboring 0.0 systems. Mainly for content, but rats need shooting there too!
What about for non-squeaky adult internet tough guys?
Lol, we pick on guys for even thinking about considering rage pings! We can’t even spell CTA!
WHATS WRONG WITH THE MINERS??!!! They’re people too!!
Full API? Not my area of expertise, but most of us could care less about your dank alt corp and those super cherished eve-mails from the mythical female eve player late in 2007. We just want chill bro’s to fly with, kill stuff with, and lose ships with… that’s IT!
With all that said above, come check out our merry band of Dastardly Pirates! Living deep in Khanid lowsec
Doing everything we can to keep Lowsec dangerous!
Free harem for all those that join, better hurry offer valid for only three more minutes!!
Those dastardly Darwinism bois!!
The scourge of anyone not part of the greater Khanidistan Realm!
Oh and EUTZ through USTZ mainly.