You’re welcome. I for one am excited about these new implants. Watch the price of Genolution Implants tank because shield super/titan pilots don’t need them anymore. SELL SELL SELL!
Of course the balance of armour v shield is now fubar as CCP seem to have forgotten that shields were already designed to be balanced against armour slave ships (well, capitals at any rate).
Good, I’ve been wanting to get a full set of genos for my 3rd toon. My 1st toon has a geno clone already, my 2nd toon has a free set of genos not implanted yet (from some event a year or two or three ago where genos were dropping? or else from a giveaway on the character selection screen? or both? whatever)… but my 3rd toon has no genos.
gonna make myself a shield/missile clone trio… with genos and missile hardwiring implants. yes, now I could just wait for shield slaves to come down in price, but ughhhh…
A) implants-wise there were shield crystals (shield rep) and armor slave (armor buffer) for the longest time… then they added asklepians (armor rep) with the 40 day Serpentis event like 3 or 4 years ago one summer at this point… such a wait from that point to this point with the nirvanas (shield buffer, at last).
B) screw the caps. As I said elsewhere earlier today, just stop all armor/shield slaves (buffer) implants from applying to capital and supercapital hulls. Fix’d.
C) Don’t talk about shield and armor being imbalanced unless you’re gonna mention that there’s TWO battleships bonused for some hawt RR action on the armor side (Nestor and Leshak) and NONE on the shield side (yet).
Let’s take care of that before we worry about other Shield/Armor balance issues. (ignoring the cap/supercap side of things, most of which have to do with midslots vs. lowslots and with shield rigs and shield extenders and such penalizing sig radius while armor rigs and plates penalize mass/agility/etc.).