Should EVE Online have an "Anti-Cheat" assit program like Battleye?

Client-side isn’t limited to something like anti-virus software.

Who said anything about anti-virus software?

There’s no way of providing 100% protection client-side without hardware assistance.

We’ll get there.

When RAM is being en- and decrypted in the CPU in real time,
with code being virtualized and “locked away”,
and RAM being shuffled around dozens of times per second.

Not sure how we’re doing with the first one,
but the second has been around for ages now
and the third one is getting implemented in new AMD chips.

It’s always interesting to see how well the “freedom for safety” trade works.


I suppose I should have just assumed the post I replied to was content-free then?

If you want to redeem yourself, please explain what you meant by “highly invasive”.

This isn’t a problem that could be addressed with any hardware short of a special dedicated device just for running the EVE client.

The client/server interface is a network protocol which can be simulated by anything that’s allowed to connect to the server. The logic doing it wouldn’t even need to be in the same system as the client that logged in.

BTW specialized secure devices already exist for certain applications: e.g. network appliances, security appliances, etc. Don’t expect an affordable one for EVE clients any time soon :slight_smile:

This is why your posts make no sense, you ignore context. We are talking about anti-cheat programs, I comment they are highly invasive, and you go OFF TOPIC on a completely DIFFERENT kind of software only because both kinds happen to be highy invasive.

Are you like ADHD or something? Is there a medical excuse?

We have anti-cheat… its called local chat. PlayerXYZ1-PlayerXYZ25 is a preeeettty good indication that someone is cheating, like all of the Goons and CODE. (one in the same anyway) 25-man broadcast-input cheaters.
CCP doesn’t care. that’s 25 accounts. Screw morals or ethics… or their own EULA. The facade is all that matters.

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