Should life be harder for gankers?


Grammar, thou art my nemesis. That and mobile posting!

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A worthy opponent!
Mine has been kicking my butt since grade school.

They should all be destroyed.

Seriouslyā€¦the only thing your ranting reveals is that you yourself donā€™t have a clue what you are talking about.


One day we shall emerge victorious!


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would have been nice if you highlites what was wrong with post (lazy)

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Protip, donā€™t criticize the ISD. It is one of the forum breaking rules set by them and they can ban hammer you for it.

Best approach is to look at your post and ascertain what was in it that might have got it flagged. Iā€™m sure mine was because I used a specific word that is on their red flag list.


Yes, but that was cosmic degrees of bad luck. EVE online has done something most games have failed to do, which is survive. The constant risk of PvP makes it engaging because it keeps you on your toes and forces you to actually use those critical thinking skills that everyone should be using. Instead of making shitfits everytime you want to do something around other players, you have to consider ā€œwell, what if Iā€™m ganked?ā€ Iā€™m not saying ganking is good and all (Iā€™m pretty indifferent, I just really dislike a lot of gankers), but removing the PvP aspect of a game where surprise PvP is something that is generally accepted as a fact of life by most. Dude, I know how much ganking sucks, because I do hauling. But I donā€™t go crying whenever I get nuked by a gate camp in low, I donā€™t think an entire subset of players should have their play style ripped out of their hands and then given the bird when they complain. To summarize that wall of text (sorry about that, btw), if you think, you dont get got. Simple as.

I really donā€™t like the question posed in this thread:

ā€œShould life be harder for gankers?ā€

It is an emotion led comment suggesting that it is all about making life harder for gankers, but it is not.

The question I have always had is as follows:

ā€œShould single account players have more options and better game balance to avoid a gank by players excessively multi-boxing at the point of tackle?ā€

NB. When there was a lot of discussion on bumping before it got changed to what it is now, the gankers were saying ā€œending bumping will end gankingā€, it was wrong headed and incorrect because ganking did not end. See what I said about emotion as compared to logic.

The question on that one however is the knock on effect of that change. Because bumping made it so easy, the gankers were able to gather huge amounts of ISK, which enabled them to create large numbers of accounts and perhaps fund those running around ganking miners. I wonder if that was the point they were making, but getting a clear answer from gankers is like getting water from a stone.

Below two gankers have replied to me, both are blocked because they are both insulting and emotive, and jump into individual insults and snide comments. Intelligent debate with gankers is impossible because of people like this and is the reason why you get emotive questions like that posed by the OP.


Single account players are free to add another account.

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What did you want ? You have everything you need ā€¦ if you dont k ow how to use all the ā€˜TOOLSā€™ then its not CCPā€™s fault ! We dont need more option to reduce ganking !

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Its already hard enough. Try it yourself. You are going to see.

I am pretty sure I understand what you are talking about. It is just that I am pretty sure you are wrong.


Good news! By logging in and undocking, youā€™ve willingly accepted PvP in Eve Online! :smiley:

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Removing non-consentual PvP from EvE will make it the same as 98% of the other MMOā€™s out there, only EvE has significantly worse PvE than most. That is not a recipe for success.

I feel like you are the one whoā€™s sad. The rest of us are very happy playing the game as is. Maybe someday you will get it to change, but it wonā€™t be today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next month. So keep your eyes peeled in hi sec for all that griefing. If you actually played the game of course.

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One of the changes which made life harder for gankers - and for hunters of all types - was the removal of the Watch List. Does anyone still remember that?

It was so useful to be notified when someone you were after logged into or out of the game. A quick visit to a Locator Agent - and Bob might very well be your uncle!

The feature should be reinstated.

This post has derailed sufficiently, I am closing this thread.

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