Should life be harder for gankers?


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More hate speech.


Ah yes. The old “band wagon” logical fallacy.

Back in the 1950, 9 out of 10 doctors recommended smoking cigarettes….


I definitely didn’t like his online persona. He did a shitty job as Community Manager here and the game changes he pushed for only caused more players to leave.


Because they were being brib-… wait a goddamn minute

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I don’t play this game anymore because PvP in general has been nerfed into oblivion but I check back every now and then cause the carebear tears are great.

My 2c. I played the game for over 10 years and hauled thousands of 10b+ loads straight through uedama in freighters, dsts, orcas, hell even interceptors and have not ONCE been ganked doing this because I always take proper precautions and know how the game mechanics work.

I say all that to say, ganking is FAR from OP. Hell it’s barely even profitable now without 20+ accounts which is a full time job to keep up. If anything CCP just needs a better tutorial. HS is already 99% safe if you know what you’re doing. Nerfing that last 1% would be horrible for the player driven economy. Inflation would kill any possibility of a newbro ever catching up isk wise.

Hell even now, the only way a newbro has a chance to catch up without unreasonable amounts of RMT is ganking/scamming/theft. Removing ganking entirely would kill the game on many levels.

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Interesting nuance of band wagon.

This is… clearly nonsense. I can’t think of any game where a behavior that’s expressly allowed by game mechanics is also forbidden by the rules, which isn’t surprising because that would obviously be absurd.


I’d say ganking is more of an exploit, and even then calling it an exploit is a massive leap. It’s more using the mechanics to its fullest. Nothing in the TOS says you can’t take advantage of CONCORD response time to deal as much damage as possible. It does sometimes feel like BS. I once got one tapped off a gate I just warped to, which was the gate to my destination, I couldn’t have responded or even checked, because I’ve encountered Tornadoes in the wild before that didn’t gank me. I got the last laugh though, because I was only hauling one thing, and it didn’t drop. Even if it did, it wouldn’t have covered the cost of the ship used to gank me.

You’re saying that you’ve never played a pvp game where pvp is a bannable offense?

Clearly you’ve never played a pvp game in Kanavaisto’s warped perception of reality.


Exploits are rulebreaking circumventions of intended mechanics, while ganking is expressly allowed, so by definition, ganking != an exploit.

An example of an “exploit” would be ganking someone in high sec in a way that should incur a Concord response, but then avoiding the concordokken somehow.


I’ll not go into it here, DMC, but I there was more to it than that. Falcon made life harder for people who didn’t behave or who wanted to change the game he undoubtedly loved. He didn’t see why life should be made harder for gankers when their targets got away with doing little or nothing for themselves, and that was then!

Falcon actually delivered a punch in my direction once, following an ill-advised comment by me in a sub-forum. I was surprised (much else I’d written in a similar vein had been allowed to pass), but not harmed in the least. Temporarily cowed, perhaps. He was doing his job. No one had to like him any more than they have to like any other employee of the Company. I wonder that you revel in such irrelevances.

Perhaps you weren’t hurt at all, DMC. I’ve no way of knowing. However, your remark, above, does bear the unmistakable trace of Sodium crystals. Many of we CODE supporters read the blog post with utter glee.

Going back to it just now gave me a wistful chuckle or two, I can tell you!

That’s not the only thing you don’t understand…



Classy take for a guy whining about getting his fake internet spaceships blown up.

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That’s worthy of a flag. Done.


like youre so pc

You are correct. EVE has one cluster that just happens to be PVP. It has been PVP for 20 years. Not sure why you insist that needs to change now? You offer no reason other than you don’t like it.


I’m sure you’re lovely in person.

You said “end of story” yesterday but you’re still here.
And it’s not your game. It is CCP’s. Even all the ships, modules, ores and isk belongs to CCP. You own nothing in New Eden, not even your clone.


Well, either you’re a tick, sucking off the free alpha state, or you’re a paycheck funding CCP’s payroll with your PLEX.

One is slightly more enduring than the other.

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Or both.

Fixed it for ya

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