Should life be harder for gankers?

Huh ? That’s not like any gank I’ve ever heard of or been involved in. It’s amazing how many of the AG ’ ganking is so easy’ crowd haven’t a clue how ganking is actually done.

gankers shouldn’t even exist longer than 2 ganks…after that automatic permban…

End of story…

Why would performing an action that is within the rules of the game, and one that has always been a part of it be a “permaban” offence?

because ganking is a banable offense in every game on the market and one has to adapt to the 21st century gameplay…

The days for eve online to be ‘special’ has cost this game too many players and this has to end.

25k is not enough if,with a slight change like that,it could be 50k

Welcome to reality…

Its not bannable in Shadowbane.
It is not bannable on the red server in p1999, or the PVP servers in WoW.

I am not sure you are being accurate or honest.

None consensual PvP was the one thing that EvE has that is rare. Removing it will destroy EvE.

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I agree. PvP, consensual or not has always been a part of EVE. I doubt CCP would remove it because some AFK miner is salty because they got destroyed because they weren’t paying attention. Ganking, annoying as it is, is still very avoidable. If you use a combination of D-scan, paying attention, and using the third party tools available to you, it’s very difficult to get ganked.


This logic is rock solid. I also think there should not be any strike outs in baseball, as there are none in any other professional sport. No one strikes out in basketball, or football, or tennis, or soccer, or ping pong, or swimming, or track and field? I mean I could go on and on. Why is such an abusive tactic allowed in baseball? This one simple change would bring thousands of new players to the game!


If anything eve lost a lot of good people because the devs were desperately chasing the most recent trends in game development

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Hi again, Kanavaisto. You seem to be annoyed. What is it about ganking that so riles you?

25k players, 50k players, 100k players: What’s it to you? As long as you get your game, let CCP do the numbers - that’s their job, not yours.

Here’s a direct quote from a CCP Dev (CCP Falcon), quite a while ago now. It explains the situation as the company saw it then. They have shifted their stance a bit, but you’ll see why it is that ganking is still a feature of the game.

"I love EVE and the core of what the game stands for. That’s why I’ve been dedicated to it and its community for over 11 years now.

Risk vs Reward is a huge part of that.

Honestly, if that changed, and the game started to soften out and cater to those who want to have their hand held all the way through their gameplay experience, I’d rather not be working on the project regardless of how many subscribers we had, than sell out the core principles that New Eden was built on."

Here’s the link to the James 315 blog post from which the quote was taken. It contains other golden nuggets, including a contribution from current veteran poster @DeMichael_Crimson

The CCP Falcon Punch

The Reality to which you welcome us, Kanavaisto, is your reality. A narrowly subjective world, full of anger, fear and loathing. Do not be surprised that I decline to join you there. I’ll pass.


He’s a bad loser.


When PCU was at its absolute highest back in 2010-2013 or so, there were semi-regular “Hulkageddon” events with prizes for suicide ganking as many exhumers as possible.


I think we should extend that to chess, and ban people from taking pieces. I mean, taking pieces is clearly non-consensual griefing…when I am certain ‘most players’ simply want to sit there and admire all 16 of their pieces.

Banning the taking of pieces in chess would bring millions of new players to the game.


I don’t think he’s entirely wrong, and this is something that’s been bothering me for some time. When he says that the game has to adapt to 21st century gameplay that, to me, points to a general decline in the ability of a gamer to cope with consequences, or negative occurrences in general.

It could be rose colored glasses, but it seems to me that in bygone days we were more likely to cope with a negative situation and try to mitigate it than we were to try and implore someone else to change it. Not just Eve, but games in general have been less satisfying as difficulty keeps skewing down towards guaranteed success. I am literally having players in other games quit group content now because it takes a few minutes longer than normal. Not everyone does this, of course, but it used to be practically unheard of and now it happens to me every week.

It’s getting harder and harder to dismiss this observation. In my opinion, Eve is a much softer place than it was and only looks poised to get even softer. We haven’t had a Falcon around to tell people in no uncertain terms to toughen up for a while. CCP’s stance is not to take a stance and to alter the game quietly to address a never ending list of complaints by an ever growing percentage of players who can’t handle losing on someone else’s terms.

I don’t know what can be done about it. I become less and less interested in games as my human capacity to reason and adapt are less useful or necessary, but that a growing number of people prefer to emulate robots in repetitive and rote action over having to think creatively or apply reason to potentially unpredictable situations seems pretty clear to me.


Well, no…it isn’t. It is almost entirely all alts of the same whiny people again and again, trying to appear a larger number than actually exists. None of the people whining about ‘think of the noobs’ are ever actually noobs themselves. Nearly all of them are posting on older accounts that show no sign of activity in months or years. There is zero indication that any of these ‘anti gankers’ have ever once been ganked or that most of them even know anything about ganking. By and large what one has is a bunch of troll alts obsessed with an issue…and who in no way represent general sentiment within the game itself.


And would protect the innocents from unacceptable speech like “Checkmate”.

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I’m surprised you are even allowed to get away with such foul griefing language here. An appalling word that clearly means ’ you have lost’…and people losing anything in a game should be banned and be replaced by massive gold participation medals. In fact it is really only fair that whoever does worst in a fleet should get the biggest medal, as everyone else is clearly a psychopath who enjoys humiliating others. I think a Health & Safety executive should be on hand for every session of Eve…along with immediate post traumatic stress counselling from Aura.


I’m friend with one of the ISDs but keep it secret. If only the other members knew :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Of course, he’s clearly the nicest guy.

Call City Hall and bring everybody down here!!

THAT I wouldn’t miss for the world.

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Reality Check

EvE is a 21st century game, literally created and put online in the 21st century.

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Strange how you peeps constantly blow things out of proportion. That thread is ancient, not to mention it was also quickly locked before most posters could reply to Falcon’s BS. As for his statement…

Risk vs Reward is a huge part of that.

Honestly, if that changed, and the game started to soften out and cater to those who want to have their hand held all the way through their gameplay experience, I’d rather not be working on the project regardless of how many subscribers we had, than sell out the core principles that New Eden was built on.

Ironically enough, and to the delight of many, a few years later Falcon just up and quit. Obviously the game was going in a different direction to what he wanted. Hell he didn’t even have the courage to post a farewell thread here in the forums where he would have gotten a ‘Royal Torch and Pitchfork’ send-off from the community.

Lastly, if you think I was hurt by his little sarcastic reply then you’re sadly mistaken.

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So you agree with Falcon that the core principles that New Eden were built upon were sold out?

I agree with you, too.