If you are like us then you are tired & fed up with:
- Blue Donuts…
Structure bashing…
Political garbage…
Fozzy Sov fairy wands…
Did I say Blue Donuts…
So Many Blue Donuts, North, South, East and West, Low Sec, Null Sec, Blue Donuts everywhere, blue donuts, blue donuts, blue donuts AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH
Why not try Worm Holes?
We guarantee there is NO:
- Blue Donuts,
Mind numbing structure bashes
Political garbage because my epeen is bigger
Incredibly boring Fozzy Fairy Wands
About Us:
- AUTZ - other TZ player most welcome
Established WH Corp
Laid Back
PVP focused
Blue to nobody - and intend to keep it that way.
Want to know more? Hop on Serenity Cartel Public and have a chat.