Skilling Spree - Event Feedback

The worst part of this grindy, unfair, so-called “event” is participation is mandatory… oh, wait.


Someone has successfully unstuck me. Do I need a separate ticket to get the points I missed or should I just be patient? Thank you whoever you were for unsticking me.

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How is it “unfair” if you don’t get what another one gets in a random event…?

Please enlighten me…

All you can whine about is your personal fate and your absense of luck…
Random is not about “eveybody gets the same guaranteed”…random is…random…

Accept it,get over it and stop salting the channel…

NOTHING is fairer than a random event where everybody,regardless of his skills or knowledge has the same chance to get the big price…

I guess you are not compensated in any way…it clearly states that event parts that are missed for whatever reason are simply replaced by that of the next day…

Seems to me you will not get anything…

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Today 2 of the 9 characters broke their 10k spell. Now it’s just one who still doesn’t know what’s it like to kill more than one NPC on a day. :dash:

Sarcasm is lost on you.

What is it with you people? You complain about every damn thing. RNG this, RNG that, blah, blah, blah…you don’t like it, don’t participate. It’s random and “I can’t be bothered with leaving the station” for the equivalent of 4 hours of skill training time??? like wtf is wrong with you? You are the problem with all of this…people like you are the problem with all of this…never satisfied that you don’t get what you think is fair. Life is unfair, especially to those who are mentally weak. Do us all a favor, remove RNG from your vocabulary, you don’t know what it means, and using it as some sort of derogatory comment towards those who are giving you stuff outside of the normal agreed game play arrangement is just dressing up your bitching in some sort of fancy verbiage that everybody here in reality world sees right through. Extra, bonus, more than you expected , free.99…get it???


I’m getting 95% 10k

actually had 50 and 25k only once lol

Why are you complaining? I’ve only got 10k since this event started! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

CCP Falcon- is that you? :grin:


I can’t describe how much i hate this event. 10k sp and I need to kill one npc every day. If you want to give free sp make it so i can kill npcs until i get max sp planned for event or something. Random is also bad, I’m getting 10k’s 95% of the time. This would only be worse if event is hourly reset for ~420 SP. Please don’t repeat this ever again.
Some tips on making events in general better. Make it harder, don’t make it daily capped so i have to login every day for 1 pathetic NPC.

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You don’t have to log in, it’s not mandatory - just ignore it if you don’t like it.

He can’t stand the thought of someone else getting more free stuff than him, so he would rather nobody get free stuff

He must be hating loot thieves with a passion then. :smile:

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Salvage Redistribution Agents

Says so on my mop

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:joy: I’ve actually had a hundred rolls now, and I’m at 74%. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

How and whit what do i record a movie in eve ?

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they finally fixed the event for me a few days ago, have had the 10k ever since. 100%? lol /shrug

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Mr. Falcon and Company:

I’ve played Eve since shortly after launch, taking breaks whenever the BS got the better of you. But on the whole, I reserve judgement on what you and your fellow devs do because the game can still be fun to play even as it evolves through time.

Tonight, while in a HS (0.6) asteroid belt killing my 5 NPC ships for 25k SP, I got rolled by a dozen or so Blood Raider ships that instantly scram’d and TD’d, and in another 15 or so seconds, tossed ballistic and some other guidance on me…whatever else you decided to stick into this “pop-up mob” arsenal…I don’t remember all the icons that lit up like it was Christmas.

I lost both a Retribution and an ONI to these mobs, and with all my skills I couldn’t do a damned thing but sit there and watch my ships disintegrate. Is this your idea of a fun way to earn bonus SP?

A band of gankers would make this a different story. That’s all part of the game, where sh!t happens, and sometimes I can even survive. I’ve got no problem with it.

But this…I don’t know what this is. Complete immobilization and annihilation, from which most ships less than a BC/BS won’t escape. Without warning, it’s become unsafe to be in an asteroid belt without ewar counter mods; it felt like I’d fallen into a steroid-soaked L5 mission. Had I chosen to go into such a mission or area unprepared, so be it. But a random appearance in mining territory in HS? Why so serious?

You have a bot problem, fine. Fix it. But ya gotta tune these mobs properly for the systems they’re in, or get the heck rid of 'em. Or explain them. Or do =something= other than blindly fling them at the game as “bonus SP content” and expect players to profess their undying love for you.

Peace <3


I’m wondering if the the NPCs you attacked were miners, and their response fleet is what killed you? If not, what you described so eloquently is some serious, can-of-whupass-level Chaos and unwarranted in a 0.6 system.

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