Also put the angular velocity column in your overview. There’s a little lag to the number which shows up in your overview window, but it gives you a pretty good idea of which targets you can actually hit at any given time (along with range).
Large turrets are superb at alpha-shotting frigates… from a distance.
They turn slowly so they cannot track smaller, faster targets at close range but they are fast enough to apply just about 100% dmg to anything at the right distance.
Most of the advice here seems pretty good, just want to add one bit though. Pick a piece of set decoration and do a wide orbit around it. Something like 20km orbit works. NPCs try to orbit you at a fixed range, which means as long as you are moving, most of their orbit will be spent moving in the same direction as you, minimizing angular velocity. It also reduces damage from incoming missiles. The fact that you are orbiting instead of aligning to a celestial keeps everything clustered together. Of course this assumes you aren’t using a MJD loadout which uses different movement patterns.
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